---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aaron Isherwood <aaron.isherwood@sierraclub.org>
Date: Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 1:48 PM
Subject: Fwd: Darrell Scott and Tim O'Brien : Song and Video: "Keep your Dirty Lights On"
To: Jim Sconyers <jimscon@gmail.com>, Glen Besa <glen.besa@sierraclub.org>, Axel C Ringe <onyxfarm@bellsouth.net>, Brian Paddock <bpaddock@twlakes.net>



Darrell and Tim contacted me about writing a song. They knew I was producing a new film. 
They wrote this amazing song, and we gave them the footage for the music video.
Please share this link with everyone you know and all the lists.  You can post it on all social media, as well.
We are all happy to give you a free license to use this song and video on web sites, your own videos and promotional materials, etc.  Just send me a request with details. 
All the best,

Mari-Lynn Evans
CEO and Executive Producer
Evening Star Productions

Jim Sconyers

Remember, Mother Nature bats last.
There is no Planet B!