Intervention Subcommittee,


Please let me know if my reply to Michael Lippe below was correct, or if you know of any additional information I can send him.





From: Grubb, Karen
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 7:25 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: Allegheny Power Transmission Lines


Dear Mr. Lippe,


In looking at your attachment, I see it is dated March 6, 2006.  I believe that the proposed route has been changed to the more southern route and no longer is planned to go through part of Maryland and Jefferson County.  I have also heard that Allegheny Power is avoiding all federal lands along the route.


I will consult with our Energy Committee to see if they have more information I can give you.  The actual eastern NIETC covers at least 2/3 of WV (Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor includes counties in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania,

New York, Maryland, Virginia, and all of New Jersey, Delaware, and the District of Columbia.).  The Allegheny TrAIL is the actual proposed route of one transmission line, with another being proposed much farther south in WV by American Electric Power


The WV Sierra Club is fighting all additional power lines, regardless of where they are placed.  We welcome your help and involvement.  We are currently conducting a funding drive to collect money to pay for expert witness testimony for our intervention against Allegheny Power with the WV Public Service Commission.


Karen Grubb

WV Sierra Conservation Chair

From: []
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 10:02 PM
To: Grubb, Karen
Subject: Allegheny Power Transmission Lines


Dear Ms. Grubb,


There was a recent article in the Shepherdstown Chronicle about an Allegheny Power request for designation of a National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor to go through the Eastern Panhandle and Jefferson County, apparently quite near to where we live.  Looking at the rough map on the proposal, which I downloaded at, it appears that the corridor might go through the nearby National Conservation Training Center (where there is a pair of nesting bald eagles) and then cross the Potomac very near if not through Antietem National Battlefield Park. 


When I started to look this up, I quickly came to your site and the battle concerning the transmission lines being planned, apparently along another route, further to the South.


I am assuming that the two corridors are not related, at least geographically, but am not sure and am wondering whether the Sierra Club has looked into the issues concerning the Eastern Panhandle corridor.


Thank you for any light you can shed on this and any assistance you can provide in directing me in the right direction to try and find out more about all of this.  Perhaps needless to say, we are quite worried about the implications of this proposal.


Best regards,


Michael Lippe