From: National Hydrofracking Team [mailto:ACTNET-FRAC-NEWS@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG] On Behalf Of Jessica Helm
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 12:36 PM
Subject: [ACTNET-FRAC-NEWS] Fw: Agenda Item 5: Energy Policy Documents for Board




Jessica Helm
631 219 6449

~~Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell~~ - Edward Abbey



----- Forwarded Message ----
From: David Scott <david.scott@SIERRACLUB.ORG>
Sent: Thu, July 14, 2011 7:44:32 PM
Subject: Agenda Item 5: Energy Policy Documents for Board


I will be offering the following motion on the July 25 board call:

“The board of directors adopts the proposed revisions to the Energy Resources Policy.  The following policies are sunsetted because they have been superseded by the new comprehensive policy:

Energy Promotion – May 2-3, 1970; Energy Conservation – January 20-21, 1973; Energy Research & Development – January 12-13, 1974; Solar Energy – April 1-2, 1976 [which itself superseded an earlier policy on this subject of Dec. 13-14, 1975; Solar Energy – February 3-4, 1979; Energy Conservation & Research – July 21-22, 1979; Building Energy Conservation – July 21-22, 1979; Global Warming – May 7-8, 1988”

I am attaching the following documents with this message, which is also attached:

·         Energy Policy Rewrite (sent June 29th)

·         Cover letter for energy policy, sent June 29th

·         “The BoD sunsets the following policies…”

·         ECL-Bioenergy explanation for the Board

These documents will all be posted on the Board documents site. Regarding the policies to be sunsetted, Gene Coan pointed out that these are now redundant and were superseded by the 2006 Energy Resources Policy – this is really just a housekeeping measure.

Regarding the new, revised policy, a great deal of work has gone into these proposed amendments.  I urge you to read them over so that you can raise any questions or concerns before the July 25th call.  The comments we received fill nearly 100 pages.  If anyone wants that entire file, you’re welcome to read them – just contact either Bruce Hamilton or me and we’ll get them to you.  But it’s a big file.

The June 29th cover letter briefly explains the rationale for the proposed revisions.  The board has received two recent messages about the proposed revisions.  One message concerns the forest bioenergy language.  Some activists would like less restrictive language to allow for ecological restoration projects.  The attached “ECL-Bioenergy memo” responds to this concern, which gets into our member-adopted policy opposing commercial logging on federal lands.   A second message, from Alan Carlton, Ed Mainland and Jim Stewart, requests an additional comment period.  I will be sending you a response to that message in the next few days.

The many comments we received were read thoughtfully and closely.  This revision process began last year, and revisions have already been discussed by the board once. Both Mike and Bruce Hamilton have been involved, along with two volunteer campaign leaders and other Club energy experts.   The most substantial changes are in the transitional fuels section.  Again, if you have questions or concerns, please email them to the board list or feel free to contact any members of the drafting team, who are listed on the June 29th cover letter.  I look forward to our discussion on the 25th.




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