Thought some of you might be interested ---- or know someone who is and can use the 1 CLE.

Montana Consumer Counsel v. FERC
August 21, 2009
10:00 AM PDT, 11:00 PM MDT, 12:00 PM CDT, 1:00 PM EDT
Download or view the program agenda

Ms. Rank:

We are pleased to present a one-hour expert analysis by phone of the recent appellate case, Montana Consumer Counsel v. FERC, which is the first to review FERC’s revised guidelines for granting market-based rate authority to a wholesale electricity seller. In this decision, a Ninth Circuit panel rejected a challenge to FERC's grant of market-based rate authority to several affiliates of PPL Corporation (PPL Companies) in a control area covering most of Montana. In doing so, the Court stated that it felt a need to "afford great deference" to FERC's rate determinations and expressed reluctance to "second guess [FERC's] judgment on questions of policy within its expertise."

Although the ruling is unpublished and generally not considered binding precedent, it should offer insight into how the Court will approach its pending review of the general market-based rate policies in FERC Order Nos. 697 and 697-A.

In this one-hour teleconference, one neutral moderator and two prominent energy lawyers close to the case will discuss the practical implications of the decision on the electric energy industry and its ratepayers, as well as cost recovery implications for transmission planning and development. Register quickly. You can call in from anywhere.

Intended Audience
Attorneys, industry executives, representatives of customer and environmental intervenors, and state officials involved in FERC wholesale ratemaking or transmission planning and development

Register here or call us at (800) 854-8009


Tuition is $125 per caller and $50 each for any additional people on the same line who desire continuing education credit.

1.0 CLE Credit Available in the Following States:

I hope you can join us.

Kate Johnson

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