contact Rob with your story ideas asap.  paul

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From: Public NewsService Web Site <>
Date: Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 12:04 PM
Subject: Story opportunities for July/Aug

Hi there –

We're putting together the story calendar for July for West Virginia News Service, and we have some brainstorming thoughts to share….we have openings for lots of stories this summer.

Please let us know if you have something coming up, especially if it's a story that can go out Monday, July 7th – which is a great day to position stories for maximum radio station use because it's the Monday after a long holiday weekend.

Pocketbook issues, or any issue that can relate to family budgets, will play well with stations right now.

** High gasoline prices have dramatically changed Americans' views on energy and the environment, with more people now viewing oil drilling and new power plants as a greater priority than energy conservation, according to a new survey. This is a topic worth some "exploration" itself. It's based on the supply-and-demand belief of the American public. Gas usage is already down one percent in the U.S. and prices aren't going down – the public needs to understand that gas prices are not related to supply. If anyone wants to tackle this angle, let us know – I think it's worth it, especially after so many families will spend their 4th of July holiday closer to home to save on gas expenses.

**How will that affect the state's tourism industry? Hunting and fishing seasons and outfitters?

**Maybe you have tips for how families can save on energy expenses. And why they should do everything they can because it looks like the home heating bill for those using oil could be huge this winter.

**How are rising prices for everything changes the budget of the state's nonprofits – which also act as the family safety-nets during tough times? Inflation is stealing food off food pantry shelves.

**Tips on how to stretch grocery budgets for families? For farmers and ranchers?

**State and city budgets are beginning to feel the pinch of the downturn. How should they react? Historically, they start cutting the very services that help sustain people through the downturn. Can we help educate on a different angle?

If you want to brainstorm some more, I'm standing by.

Thanks for taking a look and keep us posted -  Happy holiday!

Deborah Courson Smith and Dave Law, West Virginia News Service

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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975