From: National Hydrofracking Team [mailto:ACTNET-FRAC-NEWS@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG] On Behalf Of Bruce Hamilton
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 1:45 PM
Subject: [ACTNET-FRAC-NEWS] New Worldwatch Report on Synergies Between Renewable Energy and Natural Gas


Not endorsing this, just passing along the fact that it is out there and worth a read.  
From: Saya Kitasei []
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 7:37 AM
Saya Kitasei
New Worldwatch Report on Synergies Between Renewable Energy and Natural Gas

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am very pleased to announce that Worldwatch Report 184, Powering the Low-Carbon Economy: The Once and Future Roles of Renewable Energy and Natural Gas, was released last month.  This report represents the culmination of the Natural Gas and Sustainable Energy Initiative’s work during 2010.  In it, we examine important synergies between renewable energy and natural gas that will allow for reduced dependence on coal, speeding the transition to a low-carbon economy.
A link to the report is available on our new Natural Gas and Sustainable Energy Initiative page:  Please feel free to email me if you are interested in an electronic copy.
In 2011, we look forward to continuing our research on the synergies between renewable energy and natural gas, with an increased focus on international and state-level analysis.
Best wishes for the new year,
Saya Snow Kitasei
Sustainable Energy Fellow
Worldwatch Institute
1776 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20036
phone: (202) 452-1999 x. 513
fax: (202) 296-7365
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