All four are Republicans from Kanawha County. The bill is a one-pager to require tank owners to register tanks and their contents within 30 days, to provide data on potential threats to waters of the State.
Attached is my quick review of Comm Sub SB 373. It looks like Unger incorporated a number of ideas from the governor's bill, but removed any role for the Dept. of Public Health and included most of Tomblin's exemptions, plus added a few new ones. It makes Ungers bill more comprehensive for the tanks that are covered, but it exempts way too many tanks.
Jim Kotcon
From: Dan Taylor <>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2014 4:01 PM
To: Jim Sconyers
Cc: Angie Rosser; David McMahon; Chuck Wyrostok; James Kotcon; MAYA NYE; Denise Poole; Don Garvin; Vickie Wolfe; Dan Taylor; Gary Zuckett; Beth Little; Cindy Rank; John C; Julie Archer; Norm Steenstra; Robin Blakeman; Viv Stockman; Rachel Huff; Margaret Chapman Pomponio; Greg Carroll
Subject: Re: Allied lobbyists group: 373 TALKING POINTSJust saw H. B. 4277
Looks even more useless than the governor's bill. Just an inventory?
On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 3:37 PM, Jim Sconyers <> wrote:
resorting to protection via existing NPDES stormwater permits seems a red herring to me - doesn't address the real critical problem, seems to say no further protection needed
On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Angie Rosser <> wrote:
This bill is being irresponsibly fast tracked by the Senate, not giving time for thorough analysis and stakeholder/public input.Doesn't recognize DEPs current authorities to permit under the existing NPDES programNarrowly attempts to address only one example of threats to source waterIncludes several AST exclusionsRelies on industry self inspection and self reportingNo funding for protection plan development
I have not had a chance to read the CS so someone needs to verify these points are still relevant.
From: David McMahon
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 2:21 PM
To: Chuck Wyrostok, Jim Kotcon, MAYA NYE, Angie Rosser
Cc: Dan Taylor, Denise Poole, Don Garvin, Vickie Wolfe, 'Dan Taylor', Gary Zuckett, 'Beth Little', Cindy Rank, 'Jim Sconyers', 'John C', Julie Archer, 'Norm Steenstra', 'Robin Blakeman', 'Viv Stockman', Rachel Huff, Margaret Chapman Pomponio, Greg Carroll
I saw Maya in cafeteria. Plan is to ask Unger to ask General Servcies to leave capitaol open late so rally can occure in lower rotunda. I have not idea if they accomplished this.
On 1/21/2014 12:36 PM, Chuck Wyrostok wrote:
Folks, I just talked to Greg Carroll. His road (and mine) are snowed in pretty badly. He hasn’t heard whether the event has been moved inside the capitol and feels it’s too risky to set up generator/sound system in wet snow. He’d like to talk to someone asap. His phone 304 206 8849.
Hopefully, we’ll both see you all later today….chuck w
Chuck Wyrostok
Outreach Organizer
Sierra Club, WV Chapter
T: 877 252 0257
Water is Life...Keep It Clean
From: James Kotcon []
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 12:01 PM
To: MAYA NYE; Angie Rosser
Cc: David McMahon; Dan Taylor; Denise Poole;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: RE: Allied lobbyists group: CSB RECOMMENDATIONS
Maya, et al.:
This is a great list. I would point out that the Unger bill does have a provision directing DEP to propose fees to support the permit program, although it is not clear that there is enough focus on inspections and enforcement.
Tomblin's bill has reasonable language assuring DEP has authority to do inspections, etc. and requires an annual inspection by a professional engineer. It also specifies construction and performance standards, financial assurance requirements, and makes it unlawful to deliver to an unregistered tank. That last one makes the haulers responsible, which I think is a good idea (so it will probably be gutted). Tomblin's bill also requires source water protection plans. If only Tomblin's bill did not have so many loopholes that almost no one is covered by it!
Some of those might be worth adding to the list.
Jim Kotcon
From: MAYA NYE <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 11:18 AM
To: Angie Rosser
Cc: David McMahon; Dan Taylor; Denise Poole;;;;;;;; James Kotcon;;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: Allied lobbyists group: CSB RECOMMENDATIONS
This is what Pat McGinley came up with.
Components of a Comprehensive Above Ground Chemical Storage
Bill Missing From Unger Bill
Most federal and state environmental protection statutes contain significant opportunities for public participation.
Bill should grant rights to citizens, public water suppliers as well as municipal and county governments. Like other environmental protection laws, such public participation rights should include:
· A broad right of citizen access to information in DEP files regarding permitting, inspection, enforcement actions, penalties and the other information storage tank companies are required to submit under the bill;
· Grant citizen's a public hearing, right to comment upon siting of tanks, permit applications,
· Grant citizen's the right to seek administrative and judicial review of siting, permitting and enforcement decisions,
· Require notification of the public, water suppliers and municipalities of permit applications, permit grants and denials,
· Grant citizens (including water suppliers, municipal and county governments) the right to object, to permit applications, grant of permits, and settlements of DEP enforcement actions;
· Grant citizens the right to (1) seek administrative and judicial review of DEP permit and enforcement decisions; the right to seek judicial enforcement of mandatory nondiscretionary duties of permittees and DEP under the statute, permits and regulations;
· Provide for attorneys and expert fees and costs to be awarded citizens who substantially prevail in administrative actions or upon judicial review.
Other necessary provisions:
· Specific storage tank setback requirements from source waters where a spill or discharge may contaminate sources of public and private drinking water.
· Requirement that buffer zones be established to prohibit location/construction of above-ground chemical storage tanks in close proximity to source waters upstream from public drinking water intakes (unless the director finds by clear and convincing evidence that there is no possible hydrologic connection between the tanks and source waters (i.e. no chance that the contents of a tank will reach stream or groundwater).
· Owners of storage tanks should be required to submit information about storage tanks and their contents - rather than leaving it up to the DEP Secretary to request such information.
· The regulatory program, including permitting of above ground storage tanks, established by the bill should mandate additional DEP staffing including inspectors and permit review staff with appropriate expertise.
· Require assessment of fees on tank owners to provide adequate revenue to support the regulatory program.
· Mandate monetary criminal (including imprisonment) and civil sanctions with criminal and civil penalties to be imposed on corporate managers and corporate entities adequate to provide serious deterrent to violations of the statute.
I will work on pulling all of your recommendations together on this bill.
On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 2:29 AM, MAYA NYE <> wrote:
On Bayer report, it is page 116.
Here is the text version:
8.3 Director of the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department
Establish a Hazardous Chemical Release Prevention Program to enhance the prevention of accidental releases of highly hazardous chemicals, and optimize responses in the event of their occurrence. In establishing the program, study and evaluate the possible applicability of the experience of similar programs in the country, such as those summarized in Section 5.3 of this report. As a minimum:
1. Ensure that the new program:
1. Implements an effective system of independent oversight and other services to enhance the prevention of accidental releases of highly hazardous chemicals
2. Facilitates the collaboration of multiple stakeholders in achieving common goals of chemical safety; and,
3. Increases the confidence of the community, the workforce, and the local authorities in the ability of the facility owners to prevent and respond to accidental releases of highly hazardous chemicals
2. Define the characteristics of chemical facilities that would be covered by the new Program, such as the hazards and potential risks of their chemicals and processes, their quantities, and similar relevant factors;
c. Ensure that covered facilities develop, implement, and submit for review and approval:
1. Applicable hazard and process information and evaluations.
2. Written safety plans with appropriate descriptions of hazard controls, safety culture and human factors programs with employee participation, and consideration of the adoption of inherently safer systems to reduce risks
3. Emergency response plans; and,
4. Performance indicators addressing the prevention of chemical incidents.
4. Ensure that the program has the right to evaluate the documents submitted by the covered facilities, and to require modifications, as necessary
5. Ensure that the program has right-of-entry to covered facilities, and access to requisite information to conduct periodic audits of safety systems and investigations of chemical releases;
6. Establish a system of fees assessed on covered facilities sufficient to cover the oversight and related services to be provided to the facilities including necessary technical and administrative personnel; and,
7. Consistent with applicable law, ensure that the program provides reasonable public participation with the program staff in review of facility programs and access to:
1. The materials submitted by covered facilities (e.g., hazard evaluations, safety plans, emergency response plans);
2. The reviews conducted by program staff and the modifications triggered by those reviews;
3. Records of audits and incident investigations conducted by the program;
4. Performance indicator reports and data submitted by the facilities, and;
5. Other relevant information concerning the hazards and the control methods overseen by the program.
h. Ensure that the program will require a periodic review of the designated agency activities and issue a periodic public report of its activities and recommended action items.
8.4 Secretary of West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
Work with the Director of the Kanawha-Charleston Health Department to ensure the successful planning, fee collection, and implementation of the Hazardous Chemical Release Prevention Program as described in Recommendation 2008-08-WV-R6, above, including the provision of services to all eligible facilities in the State.
8.5 Kanawha-Putnam Emergency Planning Committee
Work with the Kanawha and Putnam counties Emergency Response Directors to prepare and issue a revision to the Kanawha Putnam County Emergency Response Plan and Annexes to address facility emergency response and Incident Command when such functions are provided by the facility owner.
On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 5:45 PM, Angie Rosser <> wrote:
Links here
Bayer Crop Science 2008:
Dupont 2011:
From: David McMahon []
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 5:42 PM
To: Angie Rosser; MAYA NYE; Dan Taylor
Cc: Denise Poole;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: Re: Allied lobbyists group: GOVERNOR'S SPILL BILL
Thanks. I still do not have Chemical Safety Board recommendations.
On 1/20/2014 5:34 PM, Angie Rosser wrote:
Gov’s bill attached.
David McMahon
Land line: 304-415-4288
Fax: 810-958-6143
Physical address: 1018 Kanawha Blvd E. #1200
Charleston, WV 25301
Postal address: 1624 Kenwood Road
Charleston, WV 25314
Maya Nye, Spokesperson
People Concerned About Chemical Safety
179 Summers Street, Ste. 230Charleston, WV 25301
***Smell something funny?***
Make a POLLUTION LOG. Start keeping track of what happens when you smell something funny. Also, be sure to CALL and REPORT what you smell. It may be the only way a problem is detected. If you smell something, there IS a leak. Call 24 hrs. a day 1 (800) 642-3074 then let us know you called it in.
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Maya Nye, Spokesperson
People Concerned About Chemical Safety
179 Summers Street, Ste. 230Charleston, WV 25301
***Smell something funny?***
Make a POLLUTION LOG. Start keeping track of what happens when you smell something funny. Also, be sure to CALL and REPORT what you smell. It may be the only way a problem is detected. If you smell something, there IS a leak. Call 24 hrs. a day 1 (800) 642-3074 then let us know you called it in.
***Adverse effects from exposure?***
Document your health symptoms. Keep a log. If you have immediate concerns, go to the doctor or the emergency room. Be sure to have them document that you think your symptoms are as a result of exposure.
To unsubscribe from this email list, just hit reply and put "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
-- David McMahon e-Mail: Land line: 304-415-4288 Fax: 810-958-6143 Physical address: 1018 Kanawha Blvd E. #1200 Charleston, WV 25301 Postal address: 1624 Kenwood Road Charleston, WV 25314
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