I'm copying Ginny Cramer from Sierra Club's media team. Jim, what else did you have in mind in terms of media?

From: Jim Sconyers [mailto:jim_scon@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 1:23 PM
To: aaron isherwood; oliver.bernstein@sierraclub.org; Bruce Nilles; ec@osenergy.org
Subject: Manchin on power lines 2006

<a friend sent me this>

Here are quotes from Governor Manchin's letter to Samuel Bodman, US Dep. Energy secretary, dated 10/3/2006.  Let me know if you want a copy.
"I am writing to extend my congratulations on your efforts regarding National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.... and to provide a Governor's perspective on the benefits of such designations.  West Virginia is in a unique position.  ..we border one of two areas in the nation identified as severely deficient in electric transmission infrastructure.  To our north and east, we see regional issues of high energy prices, exacerbated by lack of suitable sites for new generation facilities.  To our south and west, and within our own state, we see low-priced generation in existing power plants that have been retrofitted to comply wit. new environmental regulations  --- clean coal plants...."
"On May 8 of this year, I attended a celebration of the last line splice on American Electric...Wyoming-Jacksons Ferry 765 kV transmission line....This 90 mile line stretches from West Virginia to Virginia, and provides vital reliability benefits for a significant portion of my state.  Due to a number of largely unrelated issues, the line took 13 years to site..........The state of the U.S. electric grid along the urban East Coast is ........a matter of national security.  We must move forward with expediency......so siting and construction can begin."
Then he says he supports two proposed projects which I believe are PATH and TRAIL.
Oh he gives a brief mention of wind.

Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.