How kind of you. 
This remarkable honour to Al Gore for his energetic and inspirational leadership is so well deserved.  And to think that he has won BOTH the Nobel Prize and an Academy Award may be a first.
Attached is the memo that we all just received. He has dedicated all the funds to continue the education of the public.
He is quite an inspiration, and I feel honoured to have met him and to have been selected by him and his organization to have all his resources at my disposal to spread the word.  
All the best...and put me to work around the State...I am open to presentations whenever and wherever we can set one up logically and logistically.  There is no charge...just travel expenses if there are any..."Have slides...will travel"
Thanks again Rick for your kind words
Cell: (304) 610-2656
Allan Tweddle
Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum
Sir Henry Royce, 1924
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Remish
To: Allan Tweddle
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 9:46 AM
Subject: Validation of your work

Allan - it was joy to learn about Al Gore's award this morning!  I wanted to send a note to you.  Just remember, even in the most difficult times, much of your personal work, message, and beliefs on environmental stewardship have been elevated by this announcement. And I am very happy for you.


Kind regards




Rick Remish

Executive Director

Imagine West Virginia

Phone: (O) 304/293-5551 ext. 38




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