Anybody interested?

Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

--- On Thu, 4/8/10, Scott Elkins <> wrote:

From: Scott Elkins <>
Subject: Last minute request
To: "'Jim Sconyers'" <>
Date: Thursday, April 8, 2010, 3:51 PM



This is last minute, but I’m wondering if you can identify 2-4 chapter folks from West Virginia who would be interested in attending the Good Jobs, Green Jobs Conference in Washington DC , May 4-6.  The Club can cover travel and lodging costs for up to four chapter folks from West Virginia , but the trick is that we need to get the folks identified and signed up by Monday, April 19th.  Also, we want the folks to be willing  to commit to three things at and after the event:


• Participate in the conference Advocacy Day on May 6, spending a full day participating in meetings with U.S. Representatives and Senators to discuss green jobs.
• Expand our on-the-ground relationships with labor, by recording your existing labor contacts on the conference registration form and, by using the conference as a networking opportunity, expanding your local connections.
• Post-GJGJ Collaboration:  Commit to pursuing one or more follow up initiatives or activities with your local contacts, and to report on them in a follow-up survey, approximately two months after the conference.


If you can identify some folks in West Virginia who are game for this, please have them sign up at this web address  After they sign up, one of our staff in DC will get in touch with them about arranging travel and hotel.


If you can help out with this, Jim, I’d appreciate it.  If you’re too busy but know of someone else in the chapter who may be able to help recruit for this, that would be great too.






Scott Elkins

Director for Chapter Coordination - Climate Recovery Campaign

Sierra Club

2327 E Franklin Ave

Minneapolis MN 55406

tel. 612-659-9124

fax 612-659-9129

cell 612-720-0793