Friends, wanted to let you know that a so called “Stop the War on Coal Act of 2012” (H.R. 3409) will be voted on in the House floor as soon as tomorrow Thursday and it contains five egregious bills that would strip Americans of basic clean air and clean water protections. One of the terrible bills within this package is Rep. McKinley’s (R-WV) dangerous coal ash bill that would shield utilities from their responsibility to upgrade unsafe ash dumps, clean up contaminated sites, or close leaking and unstable ponds. Also extending the lives of hundreds of leaking toxic dumps and prohibiting the EPA from ever issuing regulations to require the safe disposal of this waste.


I am sharing below the action alert Earthjustice sent to our activists today about this package, feel free to share widely and recycle any of the language to educate your networks about this attack on public health.  In advance, thank you for your time and efforts!  


Tell Your Representative To Oppose The Attack On Public Health

Before Congress leaves for its fall recess, the House will try to pass a dangerous bill that will weaken the Clean Air Act and eviscerate protections of the Clean Water Act, allowing for extreme pollution of the air we breathe and the water we drink. The House leadership's bill, H.R. 3409, the latest bit of propaganda in their mythical and false “war on coal” claims, and a last-ditch effort to repay the favors of their big polluter friends.

H.R. 3409 will take away the public health protections that keep us safe. Dirty air, undrinkable water, climate change and decimated mountains won't create jobs or improve the economy, but they will put our children's and communities' health at risk. This is not a job-creation bill; it is a people-killing bill.

Every day, our landmark Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and other longstanding environmental safeguards prevent millions of families across this nation from being harmed by uncontrolled pollution. These cornerstone laws prevent big polluters from causing more toxic air pollution, flooding, drinking water contamination, birth defects, illness and even deaths. If passed, this single bill would undermine and even end many of those protections.


We must tell our representatives to stop the assault and protect us. Please contact your Representative today to oppose H.R. 3409.



Andrea Delgado

Legislative Representative


1625 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 702

Washington, DC 20036-2212

T: (202) 797-5240

C: (202) 230-6592

Twitter: @Andrea_Delgado7


Because the earth needs a good lawyer


*please consider the environment before printing


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Jim Sconyers

Remember, Mother Nature bats last.