Yeah, I liked that part. Going to do CCS at CTL? Wonder what the going price would be for that plant. And more to the point, does FE plan to demolish it like they do Albright?

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 10:49 AM, James Kotcon <> wrote:
And notice how they describe the plant as "zero-emissions".  Sounds great to me, but, I'll believe it when I see it!

>>> Jim Sconyers <> 5/4/2012 10:46 AM >>>
The story seems to contradict itself. The guy is apparently planning coal-to-liquid, not trash to gas.

Remember Mingo County plans?

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 9:50 AM, James Kotcon <> wrote:
Now that Albright is resolved, we need to pay some attention to this proposal for Rivesville.

>>> <> 5/4/2012 6:45 AM >>> sent you this article
May 3, 2012
N.Y. firm has energy-plant plans for Marion County
The Associated Press
P>FAIRMONT, W.Va. -- A New York company wants to retrofit the old coal-fired Rivesville Power Station to run on synthetic gas and build a Fairmont plant to produce synthetic diesel from trash.

WBOY-TV says Allied Geo-Plasma Energy Services mainly ...

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Remember, Mother Nature bats last.

Jim Sconyers

Remember, Mother Nature bats last.