
You may be getting those ads courtesy of Sierra Club.


Note that Arcadia does have an A+ rating with the BBB, and is now certified via "GREEN-e" which is one of the better rating systems for green energy.

Jim KOtcon

From: ec-bounces@osenergy.org <ec-bounces@osenergy.org> on behalf of frank young <fyoung@mountain.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 8:13:18 PM
To: ec@osenergy.org
Subject: Re: [EC] Arcadia Power, 18 months in

Several weeks ago I partially filled out an Arcadia application online, but did not complete it because I was not sure. A couple days latter a lady called asking me to complete the application and sign on. I spoke with her about the source of Arcadia’s “cleaner” power. She spoke mostly of wind power. I spoke with her about green tags and about bat and bird fatalities at wind farms. She said that the wind farms Arcadia’s buys power from are sited such that bat and bird fatalities are minimal. I’ve heard or read that line before- from virtually every developer of wind farms in West Virginia and nationwide.


I am not opposed to wind power. But from what this person said to me I was not convinced that Arcadia was a company I wanted to trust to assure that the green tag system works as it should.





From: ec-bounces@osenergy.org [mailto:ec-bounces@osenergy.org] On Behalf Of Yarnell, Karen
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 12:33 PM
To: ec@osenergy.org
Subject: Re: [EC] Arcadia Power, 18 months in


I’ve been getting offers from this company.  Does anyone recommend switching to them?  What percentage of your power usage?


From: Jessica Dell [mailto:customercare@arcadiapower.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 11:51 AM
To: Yarnell, Karen
Subject: Arcadia Power, 18 months in


Arcadia Power

Our customers love us


Hey Karen!

I thought you may want to hear from some of our customers about their experience with Arcadia Power:

“Arcadia Power has been one of the easiest, most effective, and affordable ways we’ve found to fight climate change. We have automated payments set up, so we don’t have to think about it."

-Dave Berlin, customer since December 2014

“For people concerned about our children’s future - it has never been so easy to do so much good.”

-Kristy Bibb, customer since August 2014

Also, in case you haven't seen our video, watch it here.

If you have questions about signing up email or call us at (866)-526-0083.

Thank you, Jessica




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