I know we are all busy, but the Energy Bill is important.  If you can, write letters to the editor and/or Senators Byrd and Rockefeller and Representatives Mollohan, Capito, or Rahall.


Karen Grubb

Conservation Chair

From: Allison.Forbes@sierraclub.org [mailto:Allison.Forbes@sierraclub.org]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 6:04 PM
To: Allison.Forbes@sierraclub.org
Subject: [energy activists] Update on energy bill timing; call Tuesday

Update on energy bill timing: Speaker Pelosi now says negotiations on energy bill provisions, which have already begun, will wrap up by November 16. The House will then adjourn for two weeks and return to vote on December 3.

We need to start working every member of Congress -- champions and swings -- on Monday.

Visit our very comprehensive website at www.sierraclub.org/flip
Find activists materials at www.sierraclub.org/flip/do and www.sierraclub.org/flip/know including policy briefs for lobby meetings.
Get the inside scoop at http://sierraclub.typepad.com/cleanenergywatch/

Tuesday energy call
The next energy activist call will be Tuesday, October 23 at 8:30pm Eastern. Energy activist calls occur weekly.
Call-in number: 1-866-501-6174
Code: 2239223#

Please join Global Warming and Energy program staff for an update on priority targets. Come prepared to report on local and state efforts.

Got results?
Send any lobby reports and relevant newspaper articles (your printed LTEs, Op-Eds, editorials) to Allison.Forbes@sierraclub.org -- It is important that program staff can report to House and Senate leadership on the breadth of the Club's energy bill work.

What you can do today
1. Distribute this Take Action to you local email lists: http://action.sierraclub.org/site/VoteCenter?page=voteList
Send with a personalized message, i.e., Representative XXX's vote is very important. Tell Representative XXX to help pass a strong clean energy bill and flip the switch on our clean energy future this fall!

2. If you're not planning a Solutions Tour media and visibility event, rabidly sending LTEs to state newspapers, or arranging a district meeting with your member of Congress, plan a phone bank day or letter-writing party for sometime in the next two weeks. Generate calls or letters to your Senators and Representative asking for a strong clean energy bill that includes the House-passed renewable electricity standard and Senate-passed fuel economy standards.

"No nukes" message on Sierra Club homepage
Stop the Nuclear Bailout: The Sierra Club supports a just-launched petition campaign at http://www.nukefree.org/ to remove expensive loan guarantees for the building of more nuclear power plants from the Energy Bill. Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, and Graham Nash, who were among the artists behind the historic "No Nukes" concerts in 1979, will deliver the petition to Congress on October 23.

Background on Lieberman-Warner cap-and-trade bill
The Sierra Club is urging co-sponsors of the bill and members of the Environment and Public Works Committee to continue their leadership and improve the bill that was introduced this week.  There will be a hearing on October 24 and the bill will be marked up in Subcommittee the week of October 31. Find more information at http://usclimatenetwork.org/federal/lieberman-warner-bill

Allison Forbes
National Conservation Organizer
Sierra Club Global Warming and Energy Program
(202) 548-6583