----- Original Message ----
From: "Duane330@aol.com" <Duane330@aol.com>
To: ec@osenergy.org; mvcac@cheat.org
Cc: wwonderlin@hsc.wvu.edu; pjhunt@xemaps.com; brbr_fallon@yahoo.com; william.depaulo@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 1:21:52 PM
Subject: Fwd: CAD & TrAILCo Joint Stipulation
RE: Forwarded message from Jim Kotcon.
1. I make a motion that the Energy Committee of the Sierra Club of West Virginia
go on-record in opposition to the Consent Agreement between the WV Consumer
Advocate and the TrAILCo.
2. I make a motion that the Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition go on-record in
opposition to the Consent Agreement between the WV Consumer Advocate
and the TrAILCo.
1. This Agreement is a front page story in the Morgantown Dominion Post
today. This Agreement was posted yesterday on the web site of the Public
Service Commission and is attached to this forwarded message; or, it can be
2. It is particularly disturbing that the offer of free electricity will be available
only to a select group of people, not all those that are affected by the Line.
And, from an overall point-of-view, the cost of this free electricity will be
charged back to the customers of Allegheny Energy in West Virginia, as
I understand it.
3. Herbicides could still be used, just not sprayed from aircraft.
4. This Agreement reflects an arbitrary decision by the Consumer
Advocate, without consideration of whether it is fully supported
by the affected citizens, or the people of the State who will
need to pay the the proposed Line.
Duane Nichols, Member.
-----Inline Message Follows-----
I think we just got blind-sided by the Consumer Advocates Division.
Billy Jack Gregg has signed a tentative agreement with TrAILCo in which he agrees not to oppose the Need for TrAILCo's line, agrees to the locaiton of certain portions of the line (although not the Grafton Area Route), agrees that TrAILCo is a public utility, and further agreed to support TrAILCo's requests for recovery of costs of payment of a Transmission Credit before FERC.
In return, TrAILCo agrees to provide landowners with up to 12,000 kWh of electricity per year, and agrees to certain restrictions on herbicide use in the corridor.
There is a section that I am not entirely clear on. Apparently the cost of this electricity is to be considered part of the "fair market value" for the rights of way. I am not clear as to whether this means that the paymnt for the property is reduced
proportionately, or if this only means that the electricity is an "add on" to the property value. In either case, we the ratepayers will get gouged to pay the electric bills of the landowners, and I think we will also get gouged for an extra 14 % for the "incentivized rate of return" under the NIETC.
-----Inline Attachment Follows-----
I think we just got blind-sided by the Consumer Advocates Division.
Billy Jack Gregg has signed a tentative agreement with TrAILCo in which he agrees not to oppose the Need for TrAILCo's line, agrees to the locaiton of certain portions of the line (although not the Grafton Area Route), agrees that TrAILCo is a public utility, and further agreed to support TrAILCo's requests for recovery of costs of payment of a Transmission Credit before FERC.
In return, TrAILCo agrees to provide landowners with up to 12,000 kWh of electricity per year, and agrees to certain restrictions on herbicide use in the corridor.
There is a section that I am not entirely clear on. Apparently the cost of this electricity is to be considered part of the "fair market value" for the rights of way. I am not clear as to whether this means that the paymnt for the property is reduced
proportionately, or if this only means that the electricity is an "add on" to the property value. In either case, we the ratepayers will get gouged to pay the electric bills of the landowners, and I think we will also get gouged for an extra 14 % for the "incentivized rate of return" under the NIETC.