I'm free for the one in Wheeling. Anyone want to go and pass out flyers or.....???

May 23, 2012        
Wheeling, WV        
Oglebay Resort         
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Featuring Congressman David McKinley


W.Va. taxpayers fund anti-Obama coal campaign

May 16, 2012 by Ken Ward Jr.

Folks in West Virginia may have heard about a series of upcoming events aimed at attacking President Obama and his Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to reduce the coal industry’s impacts on the environment, public health and the global climate system.

A group called “The Coal Forum” is sponsoring the events, which include meetings next week in Charleston, Wheeling and Beckley. Listed speakers include Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito, Congressman Nick Joe Rahall, Congressman David McKinley and UMWA President Cecil Roberts. Next week’s meetings are described on the Coal Forum’s website as events:

… To discuss EPA’s War on Coal and, specifically, the agency’s greenhouse gas and Utility MACT proposed rules.

These rules will significantly affect West Virginia jobs, and in fact, have already resulted in the announced premature closure of several state power plants. The purpose of the Coal Forum events are to increase awareness of the harmful impacts these rules will have on the economy of Appalachia and to discuss strategies for reversing them.

What you may not realize is that these events are sponsored and paid for by West Virginia taxpayers.

Jim Sconyers

Remember, Mother Nature bats last.