Should we consider asking the PSC to grant intervenors request for financial support from PATH to re-do these analyses?  While the Staff request to toll the deadline or dismiss outright is certainly reasonable and logical, it creates a significant hardship for those intervenors who expended substantial resources analyzing the old data.  PATH gets all their expenses reimbursed, but neither the taxpayers nor the other intervenors have that luxury.
Jim Kotcon

>>> <> 10/28/2009 5:52 PM >>>

Yes - even if this motion is granted, PATH could eventually go back to the WV PSC.  But note that the staff also raises the issue that new economic and load forecast data is forthcoming and should be taken into account.  The only downside of this is that our experts have already analyzed the existing application on the existing info - if PATH is given an opportunity to update its info, we will have to come up with the resources to have them dig into a new set of materials.

Elena Saxonhouse
Sierra Club Environmental Law Program
85 Second St., 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 977-5765
(415) 977-5793 (fax)

Jim Sconyers <>

10/28/2009 02:26 PM

To,, James Kotcon <>
Re: [EC] Staff files to ask PSC to reject PATH

This is fantastic news.
However: 1. They recommended against TRAIL, but the PSC went on to approve it. 2. If MD gets a terminus sorted out, won't PATH be back to WV PSC?


Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

--- On Wed, 10/28/09, James Kotcon <> wrote:

From: James Kotcon <>
Subject: [EC] Staff files to ask PSC to reject PATH
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 5:17 PM

Earlier today, I got a call from a reporter asking for response to the above filing.  The PSC Staff has filed a motion asking the PSC to dismiss the PATH application because the Maryland terminus is now in doubt, and we would be asked to evaluate an incomplete proposal.  I told the reporter that I think the PSC got it right and I would be consulting our attorneys about supporting the Staff Motion to Dismiss.
Whaddya Tink?

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