Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "fracturing_hydraulic@epamail.epa.gov" <fracturing_hydraulic@epamail.epa.gov>
Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 3:08:17 PM
Subject: EPA Webinar June 15 - Guidance Development on Permitting the Use of Diesel Fuels in Hydraulic Fracturing

You are receiving this information because you opted to be informed of
activities related to hydraulic fracturing when registering for hearings
on EPA's draft study plan in summer and fall 2010.

EPA is hosting a public informational webinar on June 15, 2011, from
2:00 - 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time, to discuss and to solicit input on
a guidance the Agency is developing to assist the Underground Injection
Control Program in issuing permits for the use of diesel fuels in oil
and gas hydraulic fracturing. The webinar is open to the public, and all
interested stakeholders are invited to attend. Stakeholders interested
in attending the webinar are invited to pre-register at this website,
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/854776506, at least three (3) days
in advance. Pre-registering for the meeting will allow EPA to improve
meeting planning.

The webinar will begin with a presentation by the EPA Office of Ground
Water and Drinking Water on the Underground Injection Control program
and possible approaches the Agency may recommend in a guidance for
permitting the use of diesel fuels in hydraulic fracturing activities
related to oil and natural gas extraction. EPA will answer questions and
take comments submitted by webinar attendees for the remainder of the

Persons who are successfully registered for the webinar via the website,
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/854776506, may (1) submit
questions and comments to EPA during the online registration process and
during the webinar, or (2) submit written comments to
hydraulic.fracturing@epa.gov by June 29, 2011. Due to time limits, EPA
may not be able to answer every question submitted during the
registration process and during the webinar. Persons wishing to
contribute written comments to EPA regarding the development of
permitting guidance for oil and gas hydraulic fracturing activities
using diesel fuels may also send written comments to
hydraulic.fracturing@epa.gov with the words "Diesel Fuels Guidance
Comments" in the subject line by June 29, 2011. EPA will not provide
individual responses to written comments received by email.

For more information and registration link, please see

Please respond to hydraulic.fracturing@epa.gov.

For more information on the EPA activities related to hydraulic
fracturing, please see http://epa.gov/hydraulicfracturing.

To report non-emergency suspicious activity related to oil and gas
activity, please call the EPA Eyes on Drilling toll-free tipline at
1-877-919-4EPA or send email to eyesondrilling@epa.gov.