I was able not to float away on that cloud - but it was nice that it appeared however fleetingly. No more irrational exuberance - another way to paraphrase Vernon is "talk is cheap" including when it's the EPA speaking...

Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

--- On Fri, 4/2/10, clrank@hughes.net <clrank@hughes.net> wrote:

From: clrank@hughes.net <clrank@hughes.net>
Subject: Re: Re: Selenium compliance extensions
To: jim_scon@yahoo.com
Cc: dteaney@appalachian-center.org, jlovett@appalachian-center.org, JHECKER@publicjustice.net, mjanes@hardynet.com, aaron.isherwood@sierraclub.org, dbady.ovec@gmail.com, janet.ovec@gmail.com, vernoncrmw@gmail.com, vivian@ohvec.org, ec@osenergy.org
Date: Friday, April 2, 2010, 2:41 PM

Celebrate we should, but I'd not linger long in euphoria land, Jim. 

....EPA, OSM, et al are all still talking fills this way, fills that way, mine throughs, etc. .....  and Joe Pizarchik the other day sounded more like we're going to forego the buffer zone rule as we know it (i.e. no mining within a certain distance from certain defined streams or stream segments) and start relying on new and improved CHIA's to determine where fills might not cause 'material damage' (a term lng debated but yet to be defined on the federal level and badly defined on a couple of occasions here in WV.. though challenged and not approved by OSM)

....and we still need enforcement no matter how good the rules or well-intentioned the EPA....  as Vernon Haltom said this morning in another context "Regardless of how clear and strict the rules of the game are, they’re useless if the referee is at the concession stand."    .....  Of course EPA can still take over the WV DEP NPDES program to make this work, but if one counts up the number of states petitioning for similar takeovers EPA would have to quadruple in size before it even scratched the surface.....

Happy Easter weekend..... Cindy

On Apr 2, 2010, Jim Sconyers <jim_scon@yahoo.com> wrote: