Earlier this month, Senators Conrad, Hoeven, and Baucus introduced a coal ash bill. While this bill is being touted as a compromise on previous coal ash legislation, the changes made are minor and the bill fails to protect our communities' health and our environment. Earthjustice and Sierra Club will be organizing a conference call to discuss the new bill, the political landscape and grassroots action.
We hope you will join us for this discussion. Also feel free to forward this information onto any coalition partners or affected citizens who would be interested (please no reporters). If you want to stay up to date on the latest happenings on coal ash, please feel free to email Dalal at
dalal.aboulhosn@sierraclub.org to join the Coal Ash Listserv.
WHEN: Monday, August 13th at 3pm- 4pm EST
Failures of New Coal Ash Bill - Lisa Evans, Earthjustice (7 mins)
Political Landscape - Dalal Aboulhosn, Sierra Club (7 mins)
Grassroots Involvement - Andrea Delgado, Earthjustice (7 mins)
Open to Questions/Discussion (40 mins)