You may want to pass this around.  best, paul

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bruce Nilles <>
Date: Sep 29, 2007 3:01 PM
Subject: "Want to stop global warming? Stop Coal."

Want to stop global warming? Stop Coal.


Because coal is the only fossil fuel plentiful and supposedly cheap1 enough to push the planet to 450 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.

Because reaching 450 ppm (or possibly less) triggers potentially irreversible glacial melt and sea level rise.

Because 53% of Americans live in and around coastal cities and towns and, beginning with just one meter of sea level rise, many of these cities and towns will be inundated.

Scientists are forewarning that at approx. 450 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere, we will trigger potentially irreversible glacial melt and sea level rise "out of humanity's control"2. We are currently at 385 ppm, and are increasing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 at approx. 2 ppm annually.

At this growth rate, we will reach 450 ppm in 2035.

We are now reaching the peak in global oil and natural gas production. The global static lifetime of conventional oil is approx. 40 years, natural gas 60 years. As oil and gas peak, prices will increase dramatically and alternatives will become more economically attractive. After they peak, oil and gas consumption will decline, being consumed more sparingly, with their depletion rates stretching out over many years.


We call for a moratorium on new conventional coal plants and phase out existing coal plants. This puts an immediate cap on coal plant emissions while allowing enough time to retrain coal workers for healthier jobs.

In the US, there are over 600 existing coal plants and 151 new coal plants in various stages of development.3

How do we meet our expanding electrical energy needs?

We cut consumption.

Without an increased demand for electrical energy, there is no need for additional coal-fired power plants.

Can we do it?

Yes. We've done it before.

Over an 11-year period (1973–1983), the United States built approx. 30 billion square feet of new buildings, added approx. 35 million new vehicles and increased real GDP by over one trillion dollars (in year 2000 dollars) while decreasing its energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Where do we start?


Buildings use 76% of all the electrical energy produced at coal plants.

Buildings are the single largest contributor to global warming, accounting for almost half (48%) of total annual US energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

But we have too many existing buildings.

By the year 2035 (the same year the planet is projected to reach 450 ppm), three-quarters of the built environment in the US will be either new or renovated. This transformation of the built environment over the next 30 years provides a historic opportunity to dramatically reduce the Building Sector's CO2 emissions.

What's the plan?

By implementing The 2030 Challenge to reduce building energy use of new and renovated buildings by a minimum of 50%, we negate the need for new coal plants.

Renovating existing buildings to consume 50% less fossil fuel energy allows for new buildings that meet the 50% reduction to be built without increasing the Building Sector's energy demand.

Then, by reducing building energy use of new buildings an additional 10% every five years to achieve carbon neutral by 2030, and by using renewable energy, we ultimately negate the need for existing coal plants.

The 2030 Challenge, a global initiative, has been adopted and supported by the US Conference of Mayors, American Institute of Architects, US Green Building Council, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, National Association of Counties, EPA's Target Finder and numerous states, counties and cities.

Doesn't this require new technology?


From 1973 to 1983, we were able to decrease energy consumption and emissions by using increased efficiency and cost-effective, readily available, off-the-shelf materials, equipment and technology. We have what we need.

The 2030 Challenge targets can be accomplished by using innovative sustainable design strategies, generating on-site renewable power and/or purchasing (20% max.) renewable energy.

Why can't we just reduce our Energy Intensity by 1% a year, like many are advocating?

The US has reduced its Energy Intensity (energy consumption per GDP) by 1.5% on average every year since 1980 while increasing its CO2 emissions by approx. 40%. Those calling for a 1% reduction are advocating for less than we have done for the last 27 years, understanding that even a 1.5% reduction has had no effect on CO2 emissions.

What about China?

The US, Japan and the European Union consume 78% of all Chinese exports, fueling China's economic growth. If we collectively call for a global moratorium on new coal-fired power plants and show how it can be done, China will follow to ensure its continued growth.

We must get our own house in order before we expect others to, then we can call for a global moratorium.

We can
Stop Global Warming.

If we stop building coal-fired power plants, phase out existing coal plants and simultaneously reduce the energy consumption and emissions of the Building Sector, we can avert the worst consequences of climate change.

If we begin now, we make it; the numbers are on our side. If we wait, even a few years, this window of opportunity is lost.

What can I do, the coal lobby is too powerful?

Make your voice heard. Polls show that the American people are very concerned about global warming. What's lacking is the political will to do what needs to be done.

If enough Americans make clear that they are not willing to gamble our nation's future, our children's future, those who wish to lead will find the political will to do the right thing. They will do what it takes to secure our future, calling for a moratorium on coal and embracing not only The 2030 Challenge, but all the many other worthwhile initiatives that can help undo the damage caused by CO2.

Word-of-mouth and the Internet are the most powerful and effective forms of communication today. Contact your federal, state and local representatives. Demand a MORATORIUM ON COAL. Start a word-of-mouth epidemic, talk to everyone you know, put it on your blog, YouTube, MySpace...


Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV  25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975