Great opportunity to do something important and fun - any ideas?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sally Wilts <>
Date: Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 8:37 AM
Subject: Fw: *Partner Up with 350 and Moving Planet*
To: Jim Sconyers <>

Did you get this?

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: John Wallis <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2011 1:50 PM
Subject: *Partner Up with 350 and Moving Planet*

Dear Sierra Club,

I’m writing to invite your organization to partner with's next global mobilization on September 24, 2011 called Moving Planet: A day to move beyond fossil fuels.

Moving Planet is a worldwide rally on September 24, 2011 to call for solutions to the climate crisis—a single day to move away from fossil fuels. In cities and towns across the world, people will take to the streets on bicycles, skateboards, foot, and more, coming together as a global community dedicated to moving our planet in a new direction. This will be the cumulative effort of hundreds of organizations and thousands of volunteer organizers across the planet, but spearheading the effort is international climate campaign, by a network of over 500,000 supporters and over 1,000 partner organizations around the world). has a successful track record of spearheading massive global days action (CNN called our International Day of Climate Action in 2009 “the most widespread day of political action in the planet’s history”), and we have plenty of support and materials to offer to you in exchange for your participation. Big, exciting, and beautiful global days of action are a great way to get the attention of the public, media, and decision makers. Imagine hundreds of thousands of people out on their bicycles in the U.S. and abroad on a single day—we want your organization to be part of that story, not only because it brings people from different campaigns together for a common purpose, but because this opportunity will highlight the work that you're doing through a national and international lens. 

I have attached a Moving Planet partnerships document that outlines the different ways that your organization can get involved in Moving Planet, from helping with outreach (for example, an e-mail to your supporters or a shout-out on Twitter / Facebook) to sponsoring, hosting or participating in an event in a location of your choice. 

Please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I can connect you with our U.S. Campaigns Coordinator. She's available to discuss a potential partnership between your organization and Moving Planet on September 24.

Kind Regards,

John Wallis

Jim Sconyers

Remember, Mother Nature bats last.