I have been looking for some people to attend this webinar, http://action.sierraclub.org/CompleteStreets , because alas, I have a Bicycle Board meeting at the exact same time, 7:00 p.m.

Some of you probably know that there is (was) a really great Complete Streets bill in the Legislature.  It was introduced by Delegate Nancy Guthrie, http://youtu.be/rp01FZdANPM.   Later a Senate bill was introduced which was essentially a red herring.

I have been told by someone who is in contact with AARP that both bills will not be up for vote because they are  stuck in committee.  The DOH is not happy with the bills, and has worked hard to weaken them.   Another expert told me that,
"The DOH has ultimate leverage on every public official in the state. The only way to pass something like this is through a statewide citizens’ coalition. It will probably take some horrible accident to get it passed – which is what happened in Illinois. We have to keep working to support the concept nevertheless."
It sounds like we are going to need a focused campaign.  In the seminar there will be people from Minnesota and Rhode Island Chapters speaking.   In Minnesota, legislation has been successfully passed, and I hope you are as intrigued as me in finding out how that was accomplished.  I know transportation issues do not always show up on everybody's radar screens, but as I am learning, more and more, with Complete Streets, besides the obvious gains, there will be a gain in Social Capital which will in turn improve WV's environment.  Please attend if you can, and send back feedback.  Thanks.
