-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FracTracker Training Invitation for Oct 25th Meeting in Morgantown, WV
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 17:24:01 -0400
From: Malone, Samantha Lynn <slm75@pitt.edu>
To: Malone, Samantha Lynn <slm75@pitt.edu>

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of Dr. Conrad Dan Volz at the Center for Healthy Environments and Communities (CHEC) of the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health and the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds, I would like to invite you or another representative within your group to attend a training on Monday, October 25, 2010 of key personnel who are working to address Marcellus Shale gas extraction's (MSGE) impact on the environment and public health in West Virginia.


During this training, CHEC will introduce participants to FracTracker, a combination of an interactive blog (http://fractracker.org) and data tool (http://data.fractracker.org), that is serving as a vital data-sharing tool in the Marcellus Shale play and beyond. The training is also an open forum for participants to discuss current and anticipated environmental and public health concerns such as emergency preparedness and response to blow outs or spills, degrading road infrastructure, and surface and drinking water contamination. Because the issues we are facing span across many fields, meeting invitees include representatives from diverse groups. This is one of many trainings we are hosting throughout PA, WV, and NY, OH, and MD. Click here to learn more about CHEC and this project: http://www.fractracker.org/p/about-us.html.


Meeting Details:

October 25, 2010 – 1pm – 4pm

317 Percival Hall, West Virginia Evansdale Campus, Morgantown, WV 26506
Contact phone # on day of event: 724-554-0989.

Free to attend. Parking is free. Permits will be provided upon arrival.

An agenda and additional meeting specifics will be sent to registered attendees prior to the training.


Important -- In order to work with FracTracker’s data tool (http://data.fractracker.org) during the training, you must be registered with the data tool. It is free to register, but please do this online as soon as possible. If you run into problems registering for the tool please contact: support@rhizalabs.com.


In addition to registering for the data tool online, please also accept or decline this invitation in a return email to me at slm75@pitt.edu as soon as possible. In that email, please let me know whether CHEC can distribute your contact information to all attendees of the training for networking purposes. Once we receive your RSVP we will send you a confirmation email with more details about the training.





-Samantha Malone, MPH, CPH-


Communications Specialist & Doctoral Student

Center for Healthy Environments & Communities

University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
Office: 412-624-9379
100 Technology Dr. Suite 553 BRIDG
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-3130

slm75@pitt.edu  |  samanthamalone119@gmail.com | www.chec.pitt.edu