From: Glen Besa []
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 4:01 PM
Subject: FW: [energy activists] Activist resources for House action



Many of you were on our Appalachian Regional call last Thursday to discuss congressional actions related to energy.  Allison Forbes with our National Energy Team, who gave us an update on the Congress, hosts calls each Tuesday evening at 8:30 PM and she maintains an energy activist list to which she send updates like the one below with attachments. Note that there will be no call this Tuesday because of Congressional recess over the July 4 holiday.


Allison has attached a number word documents for you. Sample LTEs, Electronic alerts you can forward and lists of the bills co-sponsors.  Many other documents including fact sheets on bills are posted on the web in two locations:

  1. The public website:
  2. On Clubhouse at:  which is password protected


Additionally, on the call we discussed accessing the text of the bills and their status which can be viewed on


Glen Besa, Regional Director

Sierra Club Appalachian Region

(DC, DE, GA, MD, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)

422 East Franklin Street, Suite 302

Richmond, VA 23219

O-804-225-9113 x 104



From: []
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:45 PM
Subject: [energy activists] Activist resources for House action

Before the House energy bill hits the floor, we need to show that renewable energy and clean car legislation has broad support from our Representatives. The Sierra Club is working hard to ensure that a Renewable Energy Standard (RES) and an increase in fuel economy (CAFE) standards will be included in the energy package Speaker Pelosi brings to the floor in July.

Please find activist materials for constituent calls, emails and media work below.

Next Call
We will resume regular weekly calls on Tuesday, July 10.
Join the Global Warming and Energy team to discuss the challenges ahead.
Tuesday, July 10, 8:30pm Eastern

House Update
Attached is a House energy update from Debbie Sease.
On Thursday, Representatives Baron Hill and Lee Terry introduced a bad CAFE bill (H.R. 2927) with John Barrow, Henry Brown, Mike Ross, Paul Ryan and Edolphus Towns as co-sponsors. According to a United Auto Workers union action alert supporting the bill, it sets a target of 32 mpg by 2022 (and might prohibit NHTSA from going above 35 mpg in that year), while maintaining the light truck loophole in current law. This bill lets automakers off the hook and will not secure the oil savings and greenhouse gas reductions we need to reduce our oil dependence and curb global warming.

Is your Representative a co-sponsor of the Markey-Platts fuel economy bill (H.R. 1506) and Udall-Platts RES bill (H.R. 969)? Check out for the latest updates. If they are, send your thanks!

If your Rep is not already a co-sponsor, please schedule an in-district meeting with the member (or staff) this week and distribute the following materials to fellow activists in your district:
1) A sample call script
2) A sample email alert that you can forward to your local lists

3) Sample Letters to the Editor (LTEs) to generate media buzz around the House energy bill

More materials, factsheets and background information are available at

Activist Materials - Please forward!
Scientists tell us we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050, or an average of two percent a year. We believe that in order to reach this goal we must begin by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our vehicles and electric utilities. Raising miles-per-gallon standards for cars and light trucks is the biggest single step we can take to curb global warming pollution, reduce our dependence on oil and save consumers money at the pump. Requiring electric utilities to invest in renewable energy resources will slash greenhouse gas emissions while creating thousands of new jobs across the U.S. and boosting our clean energy economy.

Ask your Representative to cosponsor legislation that establishes a Renewable Energy Standard (RES) of at least 20 percent by 2020 (Udall-Platts bill H.R. 969) and legislation that mandates a four percent annual increase in fuel economy (CAFE) standards (Markey-Platts bill H.R. 1506).

Call Your Representative today!
E-mail alert for local lists - please distribute!
Sample Letters to the Editor: LTEs printed in local and state newspapers help generate media buzz are raise the profile of our issues. Send your own today.

Allison Forbes
National Conservation Organizer
Sierra Club Global Warming and Energy Program
(202) 548-6583