---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Miranda Miller <millerm329@gmail.com>
Date: Dec 3, 2008 1:31 PM
Subject: Morgantown youth activism event this Saturday!
To: jim_scon@yahoo.com, hugh.rogers@gmail.com

Hi, my name is Miranda Miller and I am a student at Morgantown High.
Joe Gorman from the SSC at WVU gave me your contact information. I
just wanted to inform you of an event the SSC and the Morgantown High
Green Initiative Club are hosting this Saturday December the 6th at
the Warner Theatre in downtown Morgantown. We will be having Elisa
Young the coal activist from Meigs County, Ohio speaking on the
adverse effects of the coal industry in her region and we will be
showing the film Sludge and clips of Black Diamonds with more
relevance to West Virginia. I would be seriously grateful if there
was anyway you could help with a major shout out to the WV Sierra Club
and WV Highlands Conservancy to see if any members in the area would
like to attend.
Thanks so much!
Miranda Miller