-----Original Message-----
From: Allan Tweddle [mailto:allantweddle@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 10:42 AM
To: Lar; gregg_wvwc.edu; AbbyC; LouiseF; Navneet; BethL; LynnY; MaryW; daves_labyrinth.net; pjhunt_xemaps.com; joecarney50_hotmail.com; AutumnB; mjanes_hardynet.com; imaginemew_aol.com; shalom.tazewell_citynet.net; HelenM; KellyB; Candice; DougP; duaneN; AllanC; zapple; Stratf; EdK; CoreyB; AdrienneS; NateP; CarolG; DaleF; TomS; FredS; Makana; Liz; matt.keller; GaryR; LarryG; GilW; TwilaM; MatthewS; Frank; CarolynI; LGibson; JudyB; DaveMilam; MikeP; Paul Wilson
Subject: Re: Chapter excomm August 11 Lewsiburg meeting agenda & Directions

I apologize, but I cannot attend the ExCom Meeting.  I had planned to, but have construction going on at my home that requires me to be here Saturday.
Please bear with me, this memo is long and involved, but I think quite critical to action that should be considered at the ExComm.
I would like to suggest that the agenda should address the stated intention of the Public Energy Authority to begin to conduct public hearings, as required by SB 177 passed this last Session, leading to the development of a Comprehensive Energy Policy and Plan, (CEPP), or as the administration is now calling it, an "Energy Opportunities" document.  That should be accessed at  http://www.wvdo.org/community/eep.html
The plan is required by SB177 to be delivered by December 1 to the Legislature.
Attached is the context of a memo from Jeff Herholdt inviting Ed Snyder to speak at the September meeting, the new Chairman of the PEA and Director of the New Department of Energy.
Note that I have highlighted the date for the August meeting which will address energy efficiency.
I would hope that the SC can present the case for a much more broad approach to energy efficiency and renewable energy than I believe the Manchin administration is fostering. I am trying to influence the direction as I work with the administration behind the scenes, and then as I sit publicly on the PEA.  But as you all well know, our thoughts about energy efficiency and renewable energy don't start and end with the "C" word!
I suggest that we need to submit ideas and a comprehensive plan for :
1. tax incentives for solar installations to consumer, commercial and industrial buildings, *
2. expansion of net metering, *
3. across the board commitment to minimum standard Energy Star and
4. L.E.E.D Certification in all buildings built with tax payers dollars as a start to energy efficient building codes,
5. Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards *...like New Mexico's Governor Richardson has proposed 
6. Significantly improved C.A.F.E. Standards for all vehicles
7. Requirements for hybrid vehicles in the State Fleet.*
8. A commitment to use bio diesel in all school buses, and eventually in all State owned diesel vehicles.*
In every recommendation, we should take the posture, and support it with any documentation that other States/Provinces  have developed, like PA, IL, ON that these ideas will in fact increase the job opportunities, will encourage business expansion and formulation, and will increase tax revenue to the State. I have asterisked the ideas that there is very serious and high level opposition to.
These are my thoughts for your consideration.  I have been quite vociferous and have forced my way into a leadership role in the sub committee that wrote the first draft of the CEPP. We have never had feedback from the Governor, however, I can now see where the feedback is being channeled towards the new leadership.
Please consider the above.  I am on the PEA because of the requirement for one member that has demonstrated a role of environmental advocacy.  I can tell you that I am however not alone. 
Joe Freeland of New Martinsville WV is also quite environmentally oriented.  Because of him, we voted yesterday to seek the transfer of two permits to modify two flood control dams on the Ohio River and install hydro generators.
So look at these ideas and possibilities.  I will be here in Kanawha City struggling with contractors on the renovations to my house, but can be reached by cell phone at (303) 610-2656.
Have a good meeting.
Allan Tweddle
Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum
Sir Henry Royce, 1924  

From: Jeff Herholdt
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 10:06 AM
To: Ed Snyder
Cc: Kelly Bragg; Allan Tweddle; Bill Willis; Clarissa Mathews; Kelly Bragg
Subject: Public Hearings

The meeting is  September 27th, not the 29th as earlier identified. Thanks Cal.    If the link below does not work, you can use http://www.wvdo.org/community/eep.html  to access the Energy Opportunities document. .  We are having issues with migrating our web page and email addresses  to a Division of Energy site.   

We are required to conduct Public Hearings on our energy plan. We term this the Energy Opportunities document. It can be found at:   www.energywv.org   

The  public hearings will be conducted at meetings of the  Public Energy Authority. 

We are holding our renewable meeting on September 27 here in Charleston. 

I would like you to join us to provide a brief  (5 to 10 minute) presentation  on our past and future use of Shepherd University to provide solar technology information to the public. 

You would be joined on the agenda by Pat Mann (wind), Joe McNeel (wood to fuels), and Cal Kent (energy data base). A hydro speaker is also a possibility.  

This meeting will be preceded by an energy efficiency hearing on August 23 and followed by a fossil energy hearing on October 25.

 We appreciate your help. Please feel free to call with questions.     

Jeff Herholdt, Acting Director

West Virginia Division of Energy

(304) 558-2234

(304) 558-0362 Fax



----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Wilson
To: Lar ; gregg_wvwc.edu ; AbbyC ; AllanT ; LouiseF ; Navneet ; BethL ; LynnY ; MaryW ; daves_labyrinth.net ; pjhunt_xemaps.com ; joecarney50_hotmail.com ; AutumnB ; mjanes_hardynet.com ; imaginemew_aol.com ; shalom.tazewell_citynet.net ; HelenM ; KellyB ; Candice ; DougP ; duaneN ; AllanC ; zapple ; Stratf ; EdK ; CoreyB ; AdrienneS ; NateP ; CarolG ; DaleF ; TomS ; FredS ; Makana ; Liz ; matt.keller ; GaryR ; LarryG ; GilW ; TwilaM ; MatthewS ; Frank ; CarolynI ; LGibson ; JudyB ; DaveMilam ; MikeP
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 12:33 PM
Subject: RE: Chapter excomm August 11 Lewsiburg meeting agenda & Directions

You are cordially invited to attend the 3rd Chapter Executive Committee meeting of 2007!

Directions to Bill Depaulo's office in Lewisburg, WV:

Accommodations are available for Friday & Saturday nights at Bill's.
Bill will have drinks ready at 6:45 pm and dinner at 7:30 pm Friday.
Directions: exit I-64 at exit # 169. Go 1 ¼ mile south to intersection of Rt. 60 and Rt. 219.
Turn Right on to Washington St and go 1 block to Court St.
Turn Right on to Court and go to the Masonic Bldg at 122 Court St (across from Theatre).
Bill's flat is on the second floor.

Agenda, August 11, 2007 Chapter Executive Committee meeting

1. Call to Order and Modifications/Approval of Agenda: 10:00am

2. Review, modify and approve Minutes of May 5, 2007 Excomm meeting

3. Treasurer Report, Fundraising, Fundraising Training
A. Treasurer's Report/2006 Budget (Mary D.)
B. Proposals and projects applying for Chapter funding
C. Fundraising; March appeal (Paul), Cheat Canyon (?) others?

4. Staff reports

5. Litigation: CWA Enforcement Intervention

6. Chapter Energy Committee (Karen G.)

7. Conservation: West Virginia Issues
A. Wilderness Campaign (Dave S., Beth L.)
B. ApTrail Powerline intervention (Bill D.)
C. WV E-Council Energy campaign
D. Cheat Canyon (Paul)
E. Blair Mountain (Regina)
F. Coal-Liquids Conf. in Beckley
G. Cranberry Wilderness Bear Sanctuary (Paul)
H. Stover Cemetary issue (Regina)
J. Slatyfork Sharps Family Farm sewage issue (Tom S.)

8. National Club Issues (Paul)
A. Resolution on Coal for CCL (Regina)
B. National Coal Campaign (Paul)

9. Outings (Nate)

10. Groups
A. Mon (Autumn)
B. SSC (Joe)
C. Charleston Section (Regina)

11. Newsletter (Sally W.), Newsletter deadline is Aug. 12th

12. Chapter Website (Paul)

13. Calendar
A. next Excom meeting Oct. in Morgantown
B. Set Excom conf. calls for August and September

14. Announcements

15. Adjourn (approx. 5-6 pm)

Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
WV Chapter Chair
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130

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