If this was the case TX would not have almost lost the grid a few years ago when the wind stopped blowing. And notice the generators did start up fast enough to stop this from happening. This is just one example the EU has many more and CA has been dealing with this for years. Also an important note. When a coal fired unit has a major boiler pipe break it can through 1300 megawatts off line "happens a lot" this is the amount of energy that may be produced by 1000 or more wind mills. The grid stays up when this happens.

Kevin Fooce

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> From: pamelart@hughes.net
> To: jbc329@earthlink.net; fyoung@mountain.net; James.Kotcon@mail.wvu.edu; billhowley@hughes.net; ec@osenergy.org; mjmb@westco.net; LMWatBullRun@yahoo.com
> Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 10:42:05 -0500
> CC: dsgjr@aol.com; wvapath@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [EC] [WVaPATH] Re: WV Net Metering rules vs. "Alternative" energy
> Greetings:
> The use of solar and wind, which are volatile sources, requires more coal to
> be burned than if they were not in the system at all. This makes the waste
> products such as tires, bio-fuel, methane from coal beds, and trash, more
> reliable and will reduce the amount of coal used instead of increasing the
> amount of coal used.