somebody with Fracking experience want to check this out? David is a SC member in Massachusetts and this was posted to the Club's COAST-OCEAN-FORUM. best, paul
From: Patricia Matejcek <>
Date: August 6, 2013 3:51:58 AM EDT
Subject: Fwd: EPA Fracking Cover Up?
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From: Sarah Alexander, Food & Water Watch <>
Date: Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:03 PM
Subject: EPA Fracking Cover Up?
Last week, there was breaking news from EPA whistle-blowers that in 2012 the EPA abandoned an investigation of fracking-related water contamination in Dimock, Pennsylvania after an EPA staff member raised the flag that it was likely caused by fracking¹.
There's an unfortunate trend here, because they've also abandoned their fracking-related water contamination investigations in Pavillion, Wyoming² and Weatherford, Texas³.
This is unbelievable, and totally unacceptable.
Will you join me today in calling on President Obama and his new EPA administrator Gina McCarthy to immediately reopen these investigations and deliver safe drinking water to the residents of these communities while the investigations commence?
Thanks for taking action,
Sarah Alexander
Deputy Organizing Director
Food & Water Watch
1. Internal EPA report highlights disputes over fracking and well water. LA Times, July 27, 2013.
2. EPA Drops Fracking Probe in Wyoming. Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2013.
3. EPA halted 'fracking' case after gas company protested. USA Today, January 16, 2013.![]()
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