For those who did not see the print version in the Gazette AND could not open the attachment, I just found it posted on the Chapter Facebook page.  Thank you, Kevin!

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Jim Kotcon

From: <> on behalf of James Kotcon <>
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2014 6:11 AM
To:; WV Chapter Energy Committee
Subject: [EC] Climate rule media (was: WV Team call

For those who did not see the paper version, the Op/Ed apparently ran Monday in the print version of the Charleston Gazette.  It was not posted to the on-line edition, so Thanks to Bill Price for finding it and forwarding this.


See attachment.


Also, we should contact this Jim Propst guy for the Climate Action Team .



From: Bill Price <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 8:34 AM
To: James Kotcon; David W. Sturm; Gary Nelson; David Muhly; Kim Teplitzky; Zachary Fabish; Seth Long; Daniel Chiotos; Mark Kresowik; Emmett McKinney
Subject: Re: WV Team call
Wanted to share reactions from the Charleston WV papers to the EPA Rule 

Two articles in  the Gazette:

Daily Mail (the more conservative paper) at least mentions the Club and Energy Efficiency WV. 

The story of two editorials:

First from the Daily Mail 

And then this good one from the Gazette:

And an LTE in the Gazette from Jim Probst! (no link available)

Readers’ forum

Leadership lacking on climate change issue


I am writing in regards to the article on May 12, “Climate change in W.Va.” I appreciate the Gazette’s attempt to get a response from some of our politicians, to a fairly straightforward question, “Do you believe that man-made carbon emissions are causing climate change?” I also appreciate that Sens. Rockefeller and Manchin at least answered the question.

For the rest of the officials questioned, shame on them. From Gov. Tomblin’s non-answer to Natalie Tennant’s combative vow to fight President Obama, they should all be embarrassed at this display of gutlessness. And then, we had two representatives that refused to even respond to the request.

We really need to start demanding more from our leadership. This issue is not going to go away and we are really going to need dynamic, resolute and forward thinking leadership to help us find solutions to this crisis.

Please, call or write these folks. Ask them to please take a stand. Tell them that they have constituents that are concerned about this issue. They need to hear from us.

Jim Probst


And attached is Jim Kotcon's op-ed from the Gazette yesterday. 

Bill Price, Organizing Representative

Sierra Club

Environmental Justice Program

Beyond Coal to Clean Energy Campaign

Phone: 304-389-8822 (Cell)
