We should reach out to these folks, perhaps plan some joint outings.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Diane Pitcock <parrotlady@hughes.net>
To: a_clean_wv@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 7:23 PM
Subject: info about environmental initiative in WV

Please visit the website below and if you find it appropriate to include info about it in your next newsletter, I would appreciate the promotion of our program.   We are a group of concerned landowners being impacted by fracking on or near our lands and the WV Host Farm Program was the result of our desire to invite more environmental research to WV to help improve things here. 
Please forward this info to your membership via e-mail if you think that any landowners would be interested in participating in the volunteer effort if they are living in areas impacted by Marcellus drilling and fracking. 
Diane Pitcock
304 873-1932

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