Anybody know anything about this power plant??

Also there is a conf. call at 8pm tomorrwo night with regional Director Glen Besa on the fights over CAFE and renewable energy in the House.

If you need the call in information and want to be on the call, please contact me or Jonathan or Barbara.

thanks, paul w.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

Subject : Fwd: W. Virginia coal-fired power plant

Date : Wed, 27 Jun 2007 17:24:53 -0400

From : "Paul Wilson" <>

To : "Paul Wilson" <>

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erin.Chalmer!

Date: Jun 27, 2007 5:20 PM

Subject: W. Virginia coal-fired power plant


Hi Paul,

Here's an article on the proposed plant - we're trying to get more

information about it, but feel free to pass on to Energy Committee folks to

see if anyone knows about it or lives near it.

Regional field staff Bill Price is very interested in challenging the plant

and would be interested in helping organize opposition. It's a so-called

"clean-coal" plant, which means less pollution, but still plenty of carbon

dioxide, still requires mountain-top removal or other destructive mining,

and still plenty of mercury and other pollution. Again, we're vetting it

out at the national law program because we're trying to keep track of all

new coal plants in the country and fight as many as we can. So if the
chapter was interested, there would probably be some help from Bill and

maybe from national folks for media work, finding an attorney or possibly

finances (no guarantees yet, of course). So let me know if anyone jumps on

this and I'll let you know if we find out anything more.



Erin Chalmers

Environmental Law Fellow

Sierra Club Environmental Law Program

85 Second St., 2nd Floor

San Francisco, CA 94105

(415) 977-5765 phone

(415) 977-5793 fax

Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
WV Chapter Chair
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV 25414-1130

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