Should we do a future Convio on this topic?


-----Original Message-----
From: Announcements from the National Coal Campaign team. [mailto:COAL-CAMPAIGN-ALERTS@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG] On Behalf Of Lyndsay Moseley
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 2:39 PM
Subject: EPA announces coal ash rule today!




EPA finally proposed new safeguards for toxic coal ash today! After a

quick review, EPA has proposed two options for regulation of coal ash

under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and is seeking

public comment on both options. The first option designates coal ash as a

"special waste" under Subtitle C of RCRA and would provide the kind of

federally enforceable safeguards we've been advocating for to adequately

protect the public from toxic coal ash. The other option regulates coal

ash under Subtitle D of RCRA and the other treats toxic coal ash (which

contains potentially dangerous levels of arsenic, lead, and other heavy

metals) less stringent than household garbage. Both the science and past

failures of the patchwork of state-based regulations call for the

stronger, federal protections. There will be a 90-day public comment

period during which Sierra Club will be working hard to call on EPA to

adopt the most protective safeguards. Stay tuned!


Here is a link to the proposed rule:  







Lyndsay Moseley

Washington Representative

Sierra Club, Beyond Coal Campaign

408 C St. NE

Washington, DC 20002

tel: 202-548-4581

fax: 202-547-6009


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