I had gotten a couple e-mails about this proposed "Large-scale Renewables" guidelines for the Club from the State Gov't Programs folks, as several of these folks have issues in their states too, e.g., Arizona Chapter.  The "Off-Shore Wind" issue apparently has a separate task force, so this is mostly focused on commercial solar and wind facilities and transmission lines (like the ones in our back yard). 
Please look into it, as we should probably prepare comments on behalf of the Chapter.

>>> Jim Sconyers <jim_scon@yahoo.com> 11/13/2009 12:45 PM >>>
Hey Jim-

Have you seen this? I didn't know it was in the works - but just because we're the national epicenter, why am I not surprised...?

Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

--- On Wed, 11/11/09, Clubhouse Updates <clubhouse@sierraclub.org> wrote:

From: Clubhouse Updates <clubhouse@sierraclub.org>
Subject: Large-Scale Renewable Energy Guidelines, Open House with Allison Chin, and More
To: jim_scon@yahoo.com
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 9:07 PM

Having trouble viewing our email. Click here to view a web version.


The Board of Directors approved a comprehensive Club energy policy in 2006, but there are still plenty of questions that we have to address, like when to support large-scale renewable energy projects that have potential impacts on public land and the environment. Like big solar collectors in the desert, new wind farms, geothermal energy projects.

That's where the Club's board task forces come in. See below for more.

We also want to remind you of upcoming open house with Allison Chin on November 16 and a guided tour of the Activist Network on November 23.

Seeking Comments on Large-Scale Renewable Energy Guidelines

As you know, the Club supports renewable energy, both small-scale project like solar panels on home roofs and large-scale projects like wind farms.

But some projects and some sites are better than others, and that's where the Transmission Line and Renewable Energy Siting Task Force comes in, to develop proposed guidelines to enable chapters and groups to assess large scale renewable energy and transmission proposals and their potential impacts on public land and the environment, and determine what the appropriate Club approach to such projects should be.

Because of the grave impacts of climate change Sierra Club supports developing some large scale renewables and transmission needed to bring renewable energy to cities. Thus, the guidelines indicate conditions under which projects can be supported, where we may be neutral, and where projects may be opposed; the guidelines also focus on encouraging development in the most appropriate (lower resource value) sites as well as working to ensure necessary mitigation in sites where impacts exist but can be mitigated.

You can read the guidelines here, post comments here. Comment period ends January 10.

Special thanks to task force members Jim Dodson and Barbara Boyle (co-chairs), and Sandy Bahr, Clayton Daughenbaugh, John Hiatt, Connie Wilbert, Carl Zichella, and Gloria Smith.


Join Allison Chin for Open House on November 16

Club President Allison Chin will be hosting an open house at 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern on Monday, November 16. She talk briefly about chapter funding and the November Board meeting, where directors will be addressing the 2010 Budget as well as reports from task forces (Constituent Engagement, Fundraising).

She also take questions. RSVP here. Call 1-866-501-6174 [1892-005]

Take the Activist Network Guided Tour on November 23

A week after Allison's open house, at the same time and call-in number, we'll be giving another guided tour of the Activist Network — sierraclubactivistnetwork.org — where we are seeking to create a vibrant community where Club activists and supporters work together to get things done.

There are plenty of opportunities to discuss and debate things and we encourage that — there are blogs and comment walls and discussion forums — but we designed the Activist Network first and foremost as a place to collaborate and accomplish things. It's a place to do work.

RSVP here. Call 1-866-501-6174 [1892-005]

We're still in our beta period, but about 30 teams have started creating their online community, and we welcome all national issue teams, groups, chapters, any Club entities to join as well.

Team members can communicate and collaborate in a more multi-dimensional way than email, work on projects together, edit documents, brainstorm, solicit feedback, and most important of all, reach out and engage new people in their work.

We welcome you to join the Monday evening call, but better yet, we encourage you to schedule a conference call with at least four members of your team. That way, we can focus not just on how to use the online community tools but on making your team site compelling and full of opportunities for interested visitors to get involved.

If you have questions about the Activist Network, we've created a Help Team, where you can ask for help, and then later, once you learn the ropes, give help.

Enjoy the fall.

John Byrne Barry
Managing Editor, Clubhouse / Activist Network

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San Francisco, CA 94105