To the Energy Committee:
There will be a significant push for energy efficiency legislation this session, so if anyone wants to help get a head start, the "Lobby Day" next Tuesday would be an excellent opportunity to be come the expert in your region.  EVERY possible scenario for addressing global warming that includes a significant Energy Efficiency component, and West Virginia has a long way to go to catch up to what other states are doing. 
This is the Year, Now is the Time!
Jim Kotcon

>>> Molly McLaughlin <> 1/4/2012 12:45 PM >>>
We wanted to remind you about the first Energy Efficient West Virginia lobby day at the capitol next Tuesday, January 10th. This is the day before the start of the session, so it will be an excellent opportunity to let your legislators know what energy efficiency bills are coming and to encourage them to co-sponsor legislation.

We will meet at 11am in the rotunda of the capitol building (the main dome) - on the lower level next to the Information Desk. If you can't find us, call us at our cell phone numbers listed below. We will give you a brief orientation and answer any questions that you have about talking to your legislators or the bills, as well as handing out fact sheets that you can provide to your legislators if you wish. If you wish to set up meeting times with your senators and representatives in advance, you can find their contact information on the legislature's website: (see "Who's my legislator?" in the lower right corner).

If you want to lobby on the 10th but can't make it at 11am (or if you have already arranged a meeting with your legislators at an earlier time), please email me and we can arrange to meet with you separately.

This lobby day will coincide with an educational event organized by our friends at West Virginia Greenworks on energy efficiency in the House Chamber from 1-4pm. This event will include presentations and panel discussions on major pieces of energy efficiency legislation that will come up this year: improving building codes for energy efficiency, an energy expansion fund, the energy efficiency resource standard, and least-cost planning. We hope you can stick around for what promises to be an exciting discussion!

Feel free to email us with any questions.

Molly (404-729-9312)
Cathy (304-237-3802)