September 8Wellness and Water: Health Impacts of Fossil Fuel Extraction 

Join us at the Morgantown (W.Va.) First Presbyterian Church for this conference sponsored by the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OVEC) and the WV Chapter of the Sierra Club. Our keynote speaker is chemist Wilma Subra, whom you may have seen in Gasland.

We'll have workshops and panels with impacted residents, and experts including Dr. Ben Stout, whom you may have seen in The Last Mountain and Burning the Future, andDr. Michael Hendryx, whose research is shining a much-needed light on the extreme human health impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. (We will have an online registration page up soon.) Keynote at 9 a.m. Closing reception at 1 p.m. $10 suggested donation. Contact Robin Blakeman at or304-522-0246 for more information