Friends of Cheat Lake Trail, the rail-trail community, the Mon County/Morgantown bike-ped boards, and WV State Trails Coordinator Bill Robinson,  
Spread the word....
Please read the attached 1.5 MB file.
It is the Cheat Lake Park/Trail Recreation Update, found at:
Have you been to the Cheat Lake Park & Trail before?  Opened in June 2000, it is a 4.5 mile rail-trail, and 263 acre park, that includes the "140-acre Cheat Haven Peninsula nature viewing area".  It is all owned & managed by Allegheny Power, as part of their hydropower license with FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission).  They are undergoing their Triennial Review requirements, to prove that they are meeting the public need. 
It is my personal opinion that they have a lot more they could be doing to better meet the public need.
Feb 29.  Written comments are due.
Chuck Simon's email is
Mar 11.  Public meeting, 7pm, Cheat Lake VFD.
Read on.....
Here's a couple quick thoughts, and yes, I think letters are in order from whoever wants the Cheat Lake Park/Trail improved:
Proposed Changes
Page 8. Sec 3.4.
"As previously stated, the recreational facilities provided are meeting the demonstrated
demand for the general use for this area. Based on an evaluation of the usage figures the
facilities are adequate for non-peak period demand. AE will continue to monitor usage to
determine if any changes are warranted; however, at this time, no changes to the type,
access and operation of facilities is proposed in this update."
Hiking Trail.
Yes, we should support the trail system, but we (the group) are suggesting a single-track dirt trail, nothing more.  I would like to see this trail system link up into the Greystone community, slipping in from the wooded edge of the golf course to the roads, so the neighborhood that is not adjacent will have better bike/ped access.  Need interpretive & directional signs, a little trailhead to park bikes safely while you walk the trail, and control of invasive species mentioned. 
Page 4. Sec 2.4.
"The 140 acre Cheat Haven Peninsula area was designed to allow hikers to leave the
hiking/biking trail and hike through the woods. AE is currently working with several
individuals in the development of a primitive walking trail in this area. If an agreement
can be reached, AE will include this new trail as part of this Plan Update and will file for
an amendment with the FERC, if required. AE believes that a developed walking trail
will help eliminate the possible destruction of habitat because individuals will be directed
through the viewing area."
Public Access Docks.
Did you notice all 5 docks have been removed?  Now, the visiting public has even worse access to the water.
The map on page 26 shows where they used to be (as if they are still there).
Page 3. Sec 2.2.
"The five public
access decks have been removed due to safety concerns. Over the last several years,
vandalism of the locking pins and general horseplay on the access docks has lead to their
removal. Also, in several locations with the shoreline shifting, several of the stairways
were rendered unsafe and have been removed.The five public
access decks have been removed due to safety concerns. Over the last several years,
vandalism of the locking pins and general horseplay on the access docks has lead to their
removal. Also, in several locations with the shoreline shifting, several of the stairways
were rendered unsafe and have been removed."
Trail Closure.
The southern 3.1 miles is still closed to the public 4 months of the year (Nov1-Mar1).  This has always been Totally Unacceptable to everyone, except a few adjacent Greystone landowners up high on the hill!  Folks, winter conditions are not a problem for rail-trails, as they have repeatedly suggested!  No other rail-trails that I know of close down for the winter.  It looks like perhaps
Page 3. Sec 2.2.
"After the previous Recreation Plan Update (RPU) in 2006, AE did
agree to open the the Southern Trail two additional months each year. This section of trail
is now open from March 1 through October 31st."
Nothing on proposed/improved management changes (Bruce Miller's written proposal), nor changes made over the years -- this has been very secretive - not transparent at all.  It should be managed as a community park, and it is not. 
For the amount of money AP spends on security and maintenance, we could have a very nicely managed regional park.  The security guy is nice enough, but not welcoming.  In fact, he has told me that "this is private property" when I stopped into his office one afternoon, making me feel unwelcome (but I knew better...  that it was free & open to the public).  
There is no promotion of the Park/Trail, except word of mouth, and a really bad website that hardly anyone knows about. 
Directional Signs are missing along Rt 857. 
The map at the parking area has bad water/sun damage & cannot be read.
There are no decent maps/brochures available.
There are no events / activities. 
The park/trail is over 50% underutilized -- I can guess why.
Page 7.  Sec 3.1.
"Most of the facilities at Cheat Lake Park and Trail are
currently being used at less than 50% capacity for off-peak weekend days."
I have plenty more ideas for improvement.  What can you come up with?
Peggy Pings
304-879-5622 home