
Jul 11Nick Hein
Good morning,
According to my sources, this is the final week for the old Ice's Ferry bridge.  Demolition will start as soon as they complete the (throwaway) road section leading from the West (Morgantown) side approach down to the old bridge so the can drive the demo equipment down to it.  Demolition will be an extremely slow and expensive process because it must be done in pieces and without flaking off any of the lead-based paint (?).  However, the approaches will be the first things to go and it won't be safe to cross anymore.  I asked the DOT what to do until the new bridge is passible and got no answer.  I explained that the interstate is the only alternative and asked if I can be assured I won't be arrested for using it.  No such luck.  Although I'm closing the shop Aug. 1 and leaving town after Labor Day I'll probably still need to get across on a daily basis.  I assume that use of I68 will be on a don't ask/don't tell basis - but no one will tell me that.
Nick Hein
See also photos under the title:  Ices Ferry Bridge. --  Last Days
Duane Nichols, Cell- 304-216-5535.