During the past few months, I have reviewed the work and progress
of the WVEC.  I have been impressed by the amount of work they have 
done under very difficult circumstances.  Unfortunately, the Governor 
does not place environmental protection on his priority list(s). In spite 
of this, some progress has been made.

We need the WVEC in West Virginia, and the WVEC now needs us.  
Each of us is now needed to spread the word about this organization
and to help out in this time of significant financial need. CLEAR has
provided a few hundred dollars over the years and I am proposing that
CLEAR contribute $200 at this time.

In addition, I am asking you to make a direct contribution to WVEC
(not deductible) or to CLEAR (deductible) for our public service projects.
The CLEAR Treasurer is Donna Weems, 320 Dream Catcher Circle,
Morgantown, WV 26508.

Thank you for your support and assistance,  Duane Nichols, President

WVEC Green Legislative Update

WVEC Green Legislative Update and Spring Appeal

Dear Friends,

Below you will find the 2012 edition of our Green Legislative Wrap Up.”  It will bring you up to speed on all the issues the Legislature dealt with (or not) in the recent session. And it will give you a glimpse at the hard work performed by your WVEC Lobby team in an effort to protect human health and the environment in West Virginia.

However, much work remains to be done in the upcoming Legislative Interim sessions.

We need your immediate financial contributions to ensure that the West Virginia Environmental Council lobby team, and our members and member groups have a seat at the table as discussions continue about better regulation of the Marcellus Shale industry and other issues vital to the protection of our environment.

Unlike most previous years, WVEC ended the session in a budget deficit.  Due to funding shortfalls we have as yet been able to pay some of our financial obligations. This is a critical time for this organization, and we are asking that you seriously consider this funding appeal so we can meet our obligations and continue our work.

And that work is critical. Much of the groundwork for what the Legislature will do next year will be laid at the Interim Committee meetings. It took almost four years to pass a bill regulating Marcellus Shale drilling (weak as it is). This year in Interims we anticipate that legislators will begin to discuss improving that bill.  We also anticipate that discussions will continue on changing the management at Coopers Rock State Forest, banning the injection of coal slurry in underground mines, and creating a “future fund” using natural gas severance taxes.  And, then, there are always the DEP rules to worry about.

Since 1989 the West Virginia Environmental Council has been your voice for the environment at the Legislature. We not only speak for your interests at important Legislative Interim sessions, but we are also able to keep you apprised of what's going on, alert you to meetings that might be important to attend and solicit your input on issues of importance before they reach the regular session.  So please help us by sending a contribution today so we can continue to have a consistent “year-round” presence at the State Capitol.

We thank you for your continued support.

Donald S. Garvin, Jr.
WVEC Legislative Coordinator

WVEC Green Legislative Update
April 6, 2012     WVEC Legislative Update Archive       WVEC Alerts Archive

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