Heads up.  This morning around 7:30 AM I had an odd encounter with a raccoon while I was running about 1.25 miles from the end of Cheat Lake Trail.  It hissed and snarled and lunged at me as I ran by.  I will admit I was listening to my music and oblivious to it until  I was already within 6 feet of it.  I had inadvertently cornered it against a fence. It looked sick and scruffy and mad.  I believe a healthy raccoon would not have been out at that hour or at least would have run instead of cowering beside a fence while I loudly approached for minutes (I don’t run fast).


I ran faster then!


Ann Chester, Ph.D.

Assistant Vice President for Health Sciences for Education Partnerships

Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center

West Virginia University

PO Box 9026

Morgantown, WV  26506

phone:  304-293-1651

fax:  304-293-0574
