I saw on CL Boaters FB page the explosion was thought to be related to gases trapped in engine compartment after refueling. Powerful reminder to turn on the exhaust (bilge) fan before starting engine! Praying they all recover. Two had to be lifeflighted to Pitts Burn Ctr.

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On Aug 17, 2020, at 8:36 AM, Duane Nichols <duane330@aol.com> wrote:

Boat reportedly explodes in Cheat Lake

Boat reportedly explodes in Cheat Lake

Officials say a boat exploded in Cheat Lake Sunday.
Officials say a boat exploded in Cheat Lake Sunday.(WDTV)

CHEAT LAKE, W.Va (WDTV) - Officials from Cheat Lake Volunteer Fire Department (Co. 14) confirm a boat exploded Sunday afternoon.

Officials also say there were multiple transports.

Adam Romesburg, who was fishing at Cheat Lake’s Mt. Chateau Rd. dock when the incident occurred, said he saw a large parade of emergency services vehicles travel through Mt. Chateau Rd. at around 7 o’clock.

“We thought someone was in trouble,” says Romesburg.

“We didn’t see anything except for all the emergency vehicles coming, for that many fire trucks and police cars, especially the ambulances - there were five or six ambulances as well, we knew there was some kind of big accident with boats.”

This is a developing story. Stick with 5 News for updates.

Copyright 2020 WDTV. All rights reserved.

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