Peggy. Great points!  Ann

On Apr 8, 2012, at 9:42 AM, "Peggy Pings" <> wrote:

Three thoughts:
1.  On page 10 under Privilege Permit Holders, is this quote:
"Thirty seven permits are for campsites, one campsite permit is dedicated for the CLEAR group, and two permits have vacated campsite."
I would love to see which site is for CLEAR.  Is it signed as such?  Who uses it?  Can any of us?
2.  I agree with Ann about #2.   "I recommend the gate to the southern section be kept open 24 hours a day"
3.  Regarding the Lake Observation Platforms...  I have not been down to the trail to see the current situation. I know the platforms disappeared many years ago, but the design was such that they had fences all around them, so you couldn't touch the water! 
4.  Would be nice to get something in the Updated Plan about PR, signage, website content.  More people would use the facility if they knew what was there for their use.  Is the sign still missing at Morgan Run Rd and 857?  Is the sign/map by the parking lot still outdated & faded?  Is there a nice map/brochure of the facilities, available onsite and for free download as a PDF from their website? 
Just checked out the website:  The new 2012 Rec Plan is not online - but you can still get the 2009 Plan.  The Rules need to be updated - the one for the Park & Trail Rules says Swimming is Prohibited, the other for Swimming says it is Swim At Your Own Risk.  The Park & Trail Rules says "Handicapped access to trail is available at West Penn Beach.", but West Penn Beach is not shown on the map (and it is not a Beach anymore!).  The Map and the Directions and FactSheet need to be updated, since Rt 43 is now complete, and everything looks different and confusing over there.  Nothing (no map & no mention) is available that shows the walking trail in the woods. 
This webpage includes a new map PDF (buried) with the No Swimming Areas hatched out in red.
5.  I need to take a bike ride down there, and also walk the trail in the 140-acre wood.  Anyone want to be my guide? 

"The Community Assistance Arm of the National Park Service"

Peggy Pings, WV Field Office, Morgantown, WV
WVU Office: 304-293-7528, Cell: 304-282-7464, Home Office: 304-879-5622, Fax: 304-293-2441   
The Rivers & Trails Program works with community groups and municipalities to conserve rivers, preserve open space and develop trails and greenways.
August 1, 2012 is the deadline to request technical assistance beginning October 1, 2012.
>>> "Chester, Ann" <> 4/3/2012 9:05 AM >>>



Thanks for bringing this to my attention.  Here are some thoughts for consideration.


1.       The lake level in the summer-time during high traffic periods should be lowered slightly to reduce erosion.


2.       Trail users are the biggest population of the recreation area.  Given that trail-use is the focus for the community, I recommend the gate to the southern section be kept open 24 hours a day except when  unsafe conditions exist.  It is very inconvenient for trail-users to be stopped by the gate at dusk when using the trail in the evenings.  It is currently closed from dusk to dawn.

3.      The lake observation platforms that were originally placed along the trail should be rebuilt and maintained.  The  lake view is restricted without them.  At least the one at the end of the trail needs to be rebuilt and maintained.  I think the extra maintenance is worth the reward for those who reach the terminus.   Here is what AE said about these structures (five lake observation platforms in the hiking/biking trail were removed due to safety concerns arising from vandalism and improper use. Several of the stairways leading to the lake observation platforms were rendered unsafe due to shoreline shifting and were also removed. Since the removal of the lake observation platforms, AE has not received complaints from the public. In regards to the removal of these platforms, AE initially agreed to install one new stationary access dock at the southern end of the hiking/biking trail; however, because of hillside stabilization issues at the location, the dock was not installed.  Instead, an existing dock, approximately half a mile north of this location, was assigned to the Cheat Lake Environment and Recreation Association (CLEAR) at no annual cost to be used for public boat access to the area.)



Ann Chester


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 9:25 PM
Cc:;;; Saville, Dave;;;;;
Subject: [CLEAR] Recreation Plan Update (draft) now under consideration




NOTICE:  FirstEnergy is now the power company that operates the Lake Lynn Dam, owns a substantial portion of the shoreline of Cheat Lake, and is responsible for the Cheat Lake Recreation Plan.  This latter includes the Cheat Lake Trail, the Cheat Haven Hiking Trail, swimming at the Mill Stone Point beach, etc.  Every three years the Lake Lynn Dam operator is to prepare a "recreation plan update" in draft form, send it out for review, have a public meeting to explain and answer questions, receive comments, and then prepare a final Update document.  Then, this is all reviewed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) so as to decide what changes (if any) should be made.


The draft is late this year, but it is now available (see attachments).   FirstEnergy has scheduled a public meeting for 6:30 pm on Tuesday, April 17th at the Cheat Lake Volunteer Fire Department on WV Route 857 North to present and discuss the draft Update. FirstEnergy has also submitted a request to FERC for a sixty day extension of the deadline for submission of the Update Plan to FERC.  This would move the submission date from April 1st to May 31st. This extension will undoubtedly be granted, as it is reasonable since the ownership change has occurred during the past year.


Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions that CLEAR might submit.


Duane Nichols, President,  Mike Strager, V.P., Ann Chester, Secretary, Donna Weems, Treasurer,

and Chad Pierscalla, Recreation Advisor