OCTOBER 16, 2006 |
UPDATE: WV HISTORY THREATENED!!! 466 Comments received so far. Help us generate another 500 by Friday October 20, 2006. ACTION ALERT: Protest the Destruction of West Virginia History on the Blackwater Canyon Trail. Don’t let the US Forest Service Misuse the Historic Review (106) Process on the Canyon Trail and Blackwater Industrial Complex.
Demand that the federal government avoid destruction of these important cultural resources -- a monument to West Virginia workers.
Click the button below to learn more and to send a letter to the US Forest Service and the State Historic Preservation Office to stop the degradation of our history.
Click the button below to TAKE ACTION!
NEWS COVERAGE!!!!!!!! This issue was recently discussed in an article, written by Ken Ward, Jr., which appeared in the Charleston Saturday Gazette-Mail on October 14, 2006. Click here to view a text version of the article. If you prefer to submit your comments via US Mail, Fax or Phone. Please click here for contact information.