Attention Cheat Lake Property Owners and Boaters


Allegheny Energy will begin lowering the water level at Cheat Lake beginning on Wednesday, November 1. The lake will be lowered 1’ to 2’ daily until the 860’ level. This is approximately 10’ below normal level.


Once this level is reached it will be maintained at approximately 860’ for 5 to 7 days while the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources makes repairs to their winter boat launch ramp at Cheat Lake Park. Once the work is complete, the lake will return to the normal winter levels, which fluctuate between 857’ and 870.’


As a reminder, Allegheny maintains the following water levels at Cheat Lake in accordance with our federal license.

Lake Level Limits:

For more information on Cheat Lake and real-time lake level readings, visit



 [The above was prepared by Allegheny Energy on October 16, 2006.]