NOTE:  Longview is proposing to continue to run the existing coal fired coal
power and install a waste stream pipeline into Robinson Run and/or the Monongahela River.  Also, proposed is Longview II — a gas fired power plant — which will emit thousands of tons of carbon dioxide each day along with nitrogen oxides, particulates and other pollutants.

ATTN: Longview Working Group-Planning meeting Sunday

We have reservations for a large public meeting on Nov. 7 (6-9 PM at the MAC on High Street), and our goal is to get 100 people there.

So we will hole our next planning meeting this Sunday (Oct. 13) at the Suncrest Panera's at 6:30 PM.  The room holds 15, so if each person brings a friend, we can fill the space.

Can we count on you?

Thanks to Justin, here's the Facebook event for Sunday's meeting, if everyone could share that out and invite friends.  

Jim Kotcon