To:  Members and Friends of the Cheat Lake Environment & Recreation Association......

Peggy Pings has done a rather good job of summarizing the meeting of last Wednesday.



From:  Peggy Pings.........................

I went to the meeting on 3/11, but there were only 4 of us who were not part of AP or contractors.

The good news is that AP will do a trial year of keeping the trail open 12 months, starting now.  It is open now, the entire 4.5 miles.
They will also build the hiking trail in the 140-acre woods at the end, with interp panels & bike rack & shelter.
They will also build a small boat dock at the far end by the point, so paddlers can tie up & use the trail, also for AP's own emergency needs. 
If the county or DOH will hang directional signs, AP will have them made.  Not sure who will follow up on that.  I think the DNR would like a road sign showing the river access ramp also, so maybe Frank Jernecjic will lead.
They also agreed a number of years ago to make the "at grade" link to the Sheepskin, once the Sheepskin is built... at least past the power station to the road.  Getting a big bridge or two rebuilt is not likely, unless Fayette County includes it in their contract for the other 6 bridges along Grassy Run. 
Spread the word.