Duane:  some medical, regulatory, and biological individuals I have spoken with feel this request would send the wrong and an alarmist message to the public. 

Also, they are unaware of any such transmission connection between the virus and water sports.  Frank.

From: Duane Nichols
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 2:36 PM
To: CLEAR@osenergy.org
Subject: COVID-19 Testing of CHEAT LAKE & MON RIVER Requested


TO: John Welch, et. al., MON COUNTY HEALTH DEPT.


CLEAR requests that the water in Cheat Lake be tested at least once each week for the COVID-19 Virus. 


We have studied this issue and believe there is amble justification since various forms of wastewater enter the Lake.  A similar case can be made for the Monongahela River.  We know that there are residual suspended solids in both streams.  These solids carry adsorbed and absorbed materials including active species.


It is therefore in the public interest that both water bodies be sampled and tested on a weekly basis. We wish to protect the public health as swimming and other water sports are quite popular in both water bodies.


Thank you for your help at this time.


Duane Nichols, President, Cheat Lake Environment & Recreation Association and Co-coordinator, Monongahela Area Watersheds Compact, May 29, 2020