WVWN 2008 Winter Meeting
Free Everyone Welcome
“Riparian Areas Resources and Strategies”
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Lakeview Resort, Morgantown WV
10:00 – 10:20 Introduction , Tim Craddock, WV Save Our Streams
Tim will describe the connection between riparian buffers, water quality, and the ecological integrity of streams. 
10:20 – 11:20              Funding Panel Discussion – Facilitated by Alvan Gale
q  Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, Bill O’Donnell, NRCS WHIP Program Manager
q  Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, Kevin Hinkle USDA Farm Service Agency
q  Partners for Fish and Wildlife, John Schmidt , USFWS
q  Mining Mitigation, Dennis Stottlemeyer, WV DEP Mining and Reclamaiton
q  Transportation and Enhancement, Bill Robinson, WV DOT
11:20 – 11:30 BREAK
The afternoon sessions will be presentations from project organizers outlining  the following: 
q  Planning
q  Design
q  Implementation
q  Monitoring and Maintenance
q  Lessons Learned – what did not work and things to consider such as planting times, manpower needed, availability of trees, laying out the site
11:30 – Noon Sleepy Creek Riparian Planting, Gale Foulds, Sleepy Creek WSA and Barbie Elliott, WV Conservation Agency
Noon – 1:00    LUNCH on your own
1:00 – 1:30      Riparian Area Electric Fencing Demonstration, Neil Gillies, Cacapon Institute
1:30 – 2:00      Wardensville Project, Carla Hardy, WV Conservation Agency
2:00 – 2:10      BREAK
2:10 – 2:40      Mining Reforestation, Scott Eggerud, DEP DMR
2:45 – 3:10      Group Discussion on Lessons Learned – Facilitated by Rick Buckley        
3:10 – 3:15      Evaluations and Wrap Up