NOTICE:  FirstEnergy is now the power company that operates the Lake Lynn Dam, owns a substantial portion of the shoreline of Cheat Lake, and is responsible for the Cheat Lake Recreation Plan.  This latter includes the Cheat Lake Trail, the Cheat Haven Hiking Trail, swimming at the Mill Stone Point beach, etc.  Every three years the Lake Lynn Dam operator is to prepare a "recreation plan update" in draft form, send it out for review, have a public meeting to explain and answer questions, receive comments, and then prepare a final Update document.  Then, this is all reviewed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) so as to decide what changes (if any) should be made.
The draft is late this year, but it is now available (see attachments).   FirstEnergy has scheduled a public meeting for 6:30 pm on Tuesday, April 17th at the Cheat Lake Volunteer Fire Department on WV Route 857 North to present and discuss the draft Update. FirstEnergy has also submitted a request to FERC for a sixty day extension of the deadline for submission of the Update Plan to FERC.  This would move the submission date from April 1st to May 31st. This extension will undoubtedly be granted, as it is reasonable since the ownership change has occurred during the past year.
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions that CLEAR might submit.
Duane Nichols, President,  Mike Strager, V.P., Ann Chester, Secretary, Donna Weems, Treasurer,
and Chad Pierscalla, Recreation Advisor