Howdy folks,
Amazing things are happening! Make sure to come to the meeting next week to get the scoop. If you can't, that's all-right too. Just read the agenda / minutes and monitor your emails.
Come for talk on new engineering updates, and to meet the new engineering hire! Stare in awe at fresh designs for educational stickers! Stick around for budgeting our 2016 escrow account and figure out what kind of classes we'll teach this fall and spring. Plus, the 2017 Bike Summit and so much more, wahoo!
An updated July minutes with a few changes will be available by the end of this weekend, so keep an eye out for that too. It will include the discussion we had last month regarding confident city cycling classes.
Finally, please see this attached review draft of the BFC application. It is subject to change, for sure, but not by much. We are very close to moving this off our plates (it's due August 16th). Please consider becoming a local reviewer, or, better yet - helping to recruit cyclists outside of the Bike Board who might be willing to be a local reviewer. Find more info here:
As you review the BFC application, due to unfortunate technology oversights, please have both the "preview application" and the "review draft" open side-by-side so you can view the options we did NOT choose. I kindly solicit any and all feedback. Please note your feedback in a separate file with the question number next to your words. For example: question B2a, Drew, I think you may be misinterpreting the bicycle plan, please reconsider the first paragraph as our community has not necessarily recommended these types of infrastructure along the lines you suggest.
Ride on,